Asphalt 8 cant install.. Help

I have 4 gb free in lumia 520 still asphalt 8 is not identified in my sd card.please give desirable suggestions.
Please, I just downloaded Asphalt 8: Airborne manually on my Laptop after which I transferred it to my Lumia 520, I have restarted my phone severally but to no avail. I have approximately 1.2 GB left in in my internal storage. Please what size is required considering that I have the installation file on my SD card. Thank you.
Please, I just downloaded Asphalt 8: Airborne manually on my Laptop after which I transferred it to my Lumia 520, I have restarted my phone severally but to no avail. I have approximately 1.2 GB left in in my internal storage. Please what size is required considering that I have the installation file on my SD card. Thank you.

On all of my devices A8 takes up 1.5GB of space, so it looks like you'll need more than that 1.2GB.
Hi Guys, need some help in the same. I have Asphalt 8 in my mobile, not able to install the update. I've around 850 MB free space in my phone memory at present. So if try that SD Card method installation will it says the space problem again? In storage space in settings, Asphalt has taken 1.9 GB now. Any help??? :)
AFTER install it will take 1.3 gb but after installation you will need to download additional Approx 270 mb data on wifi
i cant download asphalt 8.First it show installing and says completed , but after that when i search the game it show you need to install this game in store.How to fix it?
Re: Asphalt 8 cant download, its says no internet connection

1.4gb should be enough. Get setup file to your SD card and install on your phone. It won't check for 4 times space for game installation

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Re: Asphalt 8 cant download, its says no internet connection

I can't download asphalt8, after installation I need to download again, but I keep getting responses like no internet connection.

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