AT&T Denim Image with Windows 10. How to roll back to 8.1?


New member
Aug 14, 2012
I have Lumia 635 with Firmware version: 02173.00000.15154.50010. It ran 8.1 GDR 2 before I upgraded to Windows 10 (Build 10536).

Now, I have no way of rolling back to 8.1. I have ensured that I turn device protection off.
I tried using Windows Device Recovery Tool v3.0.1 but this tool only has Firmware version: 01061.00070.14246.29017 on the server and claims that the available software is older than that on my phone. Obviously. This tool only got as far as resetting my phone into flash mode then checking the device protection status and fails.

So, one of the reset protection feature is firmware rollback protection, thus explain why I can't use Windows Device Recovery Tool. I had tried other tool such as NaviFirm+ with the same 02173 firmware as what is in my phone but with Windows Phone 8.1 but no luck.

Any other ideas?
Well if reset protection precludes rolling back to an earlier firmware, and the current firmware is only available OTA, you're screwed. Until they put the updated image on the download server where the tool can find it.

Edit: have you tried dead flash in CareSuite?

Edit: My Navifirm+ shows the same 02173, download that and flash it with CareSuite.
CareSuite says phone is not supported...

BUT.. magical things happened. When I put the phone to flash mode and try to flash with the same denim firmware, it flashes and I'm back in 8.1! Must be something that was installed as part of many tools I tried (Nokie Care Suite, Nokia Recovery Tool, etc.) Before, It only goes as high as 10% (sometimes at 1%) during flashing and the phone disconnect from the USB by itself.

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