Patched yesterday 1314 version, Lumia 920, AT&T network.
In about 4-5 hours, with NFC off, in a 3-4 bar LTE area, my battery went from full to under 20%. I listened to Audible for an hour at lunch, and browsed the internet for ~20 minutes total. It gets super hot in the upper right of the device.
I love the windows phone OS, and I have toughed it out since November, when I got the Lumia, and have had dramatic battery life shifts, tried all the battery life extender tricks, and have gotten battery life to almost a full day only to have it drop back to almost nothing randomly, due to overheating. It is just ridiculous that I have to carry a charger everywhere I go to use my smart phone for fear that using it will drain it to empty within an hour...
My LTE speeds are also between 4M-6M.
I am just horribly disappointed with the hardware.