Ativ S Neo now or hope and pray for a Nokia on Sprint Later?


New member
Apr 12, 2012
Here is my dilemma, Just left Verizon for a cheaper rate plan, had a Lumia 928, ported to sprint, got an HTC One....and at the time had no clue that the ATIV Neo S had decent specs, including a 720p screen. With Microsoft purchasing Nokia, i would hope that their goal would be to get a device on every major carrier in the US. So my question is, as some people have said to me, should i return my One to get the Ativ S Neo, because some people have said to me the concern is that Samsung may not put much into supporting it, now that microsoft has made their purchase of Nokia, or should i just wait it out another 6 months or a year, and hopefully by then their will be a Microsoft/Nokia flagship device gracing Sprints airwaves...
Cannot answer. From historical perspective Sprint has themselves so tied down with the IPhone contract they made with AAPL I cannot see them wanting to sell anything but IPhones.
There won't be a Nokia device on Sprint for at least 6 months as nothing is currently planned.
I was in the same dilemma actually. I had an HTC One, gave it to my son who wanted it, so I could use his upgrade to get a WP8 device. I actually chose an HTC 8XT over the Ativ S Neo. I honestly just liked its features, fit, feel & size better (for my usage) over the ATIV S Neo. I personally think they're both great devices though.

My hope (and that's really all it is...hope) is that HTC needs WP8 more than Samsung really does and that they'll jump in with a HTC One WP8 edition (or variant device) and continue to support us as WP8 in general grows.

I had the same thought as you. What I'll do is if HTC does come out with a killer device is just buy one outright if its such a leap forward that I have to have it, but honestly, my 8XT works great as I think I'll be fine for a while.

Good luck with your decision, in the end, I think they're both a bit of a risk, but I also felt that they're our only choices for a while...
There won't be a Nokia device on Sprint for at least 6 months as nothing is currently planned.

There won't be any Nokia devices on any other CDMA carrier in the US anytime soon, unless Microsoft handles the negotiatations themselves. The holdup is not the carriers, but Nokia itself by refusing to use Qualcomm made CDMA radios until they can prove their radios can be compatible to CDMA 3.0 or later (most require 3.0, Sprint requires 4.0 radios due to changes to 1X advanced, SVLTE, and especially SVDO).
And by the way Daniel, it's been over three weeks since the Ativ S Neo has been released, and many here are waiting for the judgement via a long overdue review. Don't take this as an attack, but consider it as something it has not been done yet, even when it has been overdue.
There won't be a Nokia device on Sprint for at least 6 months as nothing is currently planned.

There won't be any Nokia devices on any other CDMA carrier in the US anytime soon, unless Microsoft handles the negotiatations themselves. The holdup is not the carriers, but Nokia itself by refusing to use Qualcomm made CDMA radios until they can prove their radios can be compatible to CDMA 3.0 or later (most require 3.0, Sprint requires 4.0 radios due to changes to 1X advanced, SVLTE, and especially SVDO).

I had the same concerns as the OP, however the above quotes pretty much summed up my thoughts on the matter. So I'm going to just suck it up and get the ATIV Neo unless Sprint does something major to **** me off, then I will move to Verizon and opt for a 928 instead.
Yeah i was looking if there was a review on the site, i am still on the fence and some review sites i have read for the Neo have mentioned that it lags more than a Windows Phone device should, so i really want to hear from the site i trust
I read those too, but I have read the opposite from actual users. I will trust people who use it daily over a person only using it to do a quick review.
Just get a Neo and stop worrying about the defunct nokia crap. It's about WP not nokia and the Neo is quite nice.
Those may help, but for "the mecca of everything Windows Phone" not have a review of the Ativ S Neo is still a major concern, and as the days go by, I am starting to believe there is a major bias against Samsung and Sprint on this stie for other reasons than the obsolete "Sprint does not care about Windows Phone" which in perfect analogy should have been applied to every CDMA carrier in the US market and where Qualcomm standards are used.

And don't get me started on the Nokia situation with CDMA carriers outside of Verizon, for which part of the reasoning should be applied.
I wonder if Samsung won't send WPCentral a review unit...its very quiet...

I mean, a new phone is something to get excited why not a review?
Nokia on Sprint? A year at the very least, once the MS/Nokia deal is settled.

I have a Neo and my only gripe is Xbox Music. Thinking about retiring my Zune Pass for Premium Spotify or something.
I wonder if Samsung won't send WPCentral a review unit...its very quiet...

I mean, a new phone is something to get excited why not a review?
I think they would be getting a review unit directly from Sprint. There was a delay with the 8XT, but it was nowhere near as long as it's been with the ATIV S Neo. Either Sprint has no desire to send one out, or WPCentral has no desire to do a review. I'd lean towards the former, as WPCentral is usually pretty good at uploading unboxing videos as phones come in.
I think they would be getting a review unit directly from Sprint. There was a delay with the 8XT, but it was nowhere near as long as it's been with the ATIV S Neo. Either Sprint has no desire to send one out, or WPCentral has no desire to do a review. I'd lean towards the former, as WPCentral is usually pretty good at uploading unboxing videos as phones come in.

Problem with that theory is that other sites had reviews up immediately...
I think they would be getting a review unit directly from Sprint. There was a delay with the 8XT, but it was nowhere near as long as it's been with the ATIV S Neo. Either Sprint has no desire to send one out, or WPCentral has no desire to do a review. I'd lean towards the former, as WPCentral is usually pretty good at uploading unboxing videos as phones come in.

I think it's a mix of both. I think it's more WPC has no desire. I wouldn't blame Sprint for not sending out a unit to this site either, with all of the anti-Sprint rhetoric being thrown all over the place. It's hard to be a Sprint customer and also being a Windows Phone fan but seeing constant jabs thrown to your carrier is not fun. Especially when you're totally happy with your carrier.

I'm assuming that WPC possibly never received a unit from Sprint or Samsung (for whatever reason) and just haven't bothered to get one for themselves to review since Sprint is the yellow-headed stepchild that seems to get neglected time and time again. Case in point: the AT&T Lumia 925 just released yesterday, and as of this post an unboxing/first impressions article was just posted. Have we seen ANYTHING in that form relating to the ATIV Neo... nope. The only after-release articles I remember were about availability being crap (which it was) and both WP Sprint offerings being part of Sprint's $100 switcher offer (porting your # from another carrier to Sprint).

It really seems like there's some anti-Sprint agenda going on and it sucks. I like this site and it's reporting and I think it's THE place to come for (most) WP news. I say most because my carrier is neglected here and it's a shame. If you're an AT&T subscriber, you're one of the blessed... a Sprint subscriber? It's like being a NY Yankee fan in the middle of Boston.
I have owned my Neo for about 25 days and really like it. Nokia does not offer the expansion of memory or the removable battery which was key. It is a solid phone.

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