Attention!!!!! I know how to save Windows Phone & Nokia?

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Re: Attention!!!!! I know how to save Windows Phone & Nokia?

you want to save Windows mobile, get all your windows 7 friends to upgrade to windows 10. Teach them to use the store and how awesome these apps can be in replacing their web browser.

The desktop will save windows mobile, nothing else will. The advantage will be that UWP apps will have more incentive because 2-in-1's are popular. And developers will see more people on windows 10 and it becomes a viable platform. And since MS is focusing on 2-in-1 phones and will be releasing more, developers will publish to mobile as well since it will not take that much more work and it guarantees that if great 2-in-1 phone devices start coming out they will be prepared.

So push for Desktop!

And Nokia will not go windows after what MS did to them. It's not going to happen.
Re: Attention!!!!! I know how to save Windows Phone & Nokia?

get all your windows 7 friends to upgrade to windows 10.

Microsoft is doing a good job of that themselves. Yesterday I was working in our PC repair department, and we received several calls or walk-ins from our customers who had exactly the same story, "Over the weekend my computer updated to Windows 10, and now <insert miscellaneous problem here; usually not booting up or not doing anything after booting up>." At this rate, almost everyone will soon be on Windows 10, whether they want to or not!
Re: Attention!!!!! I know how to save Windows Phone & Nokia?

Microsoft is doing a good job of that themselves. Yesterday I was working in our PC repair department, and we received several calls or walk-ins from our customers who had exactly the same story, "Over the weekend my computer updated to Windows 10, and now <insert miscellaneous problem here; usually not booting up or not doing anything after booting up>." At this rate, almost everyone will soon be on Windows 10, whether they want to or not!

All the failed updates are the result of why windows 7 and older versions must go and UWP must take over. All the registry entries that are inserted or changed by programs. All the files they change, all the files and registry entries they leave behind with uninstall. It messes with these pc's and then the update process has issues. MS should be suggesting a reset to customers to do a clean install.

The upgrade should also grab all programs installed and then suggest alternatives to these programs through the Windows store.
Re: Attention !!!!! I know how to save windows phone & nokia

Are you an MS PR-person or what is it to you that MS completely failed this platform (for consumers I mean, their business phone model may actually catch some wind)? I see absolutely no reason whatsoever to boast about my phone, or its OS, and neither should you. Microsoft perhaps should but even they hardly care anymore.
Re: Attention !!!!! I know how to save windows phone & nokia

Are you an MS PR-person or what is it to you that MS completely failed this platform (for consumers I mean, their business phone model may actually catch some wind)? I see absolutely no reason whatsoever to boast about my phone, or its OS, and neither should you. Microsoft perhaps should but even they hardly care anymore.

I see plenty of reasons to talk about my phone. For me it is a good OS and hardware and I am glad the people I surround myself with aren't just out looking for trends and are more open to different platforms.
Re: Attention!!!!! I know how to save Windows Phone & Nokia?

Windows 10 is the Lumias salvation, Microsofts salavation. Once it becomes more solidly integrated and consumers embrace it more, W10 is what will pull the market up for Microsoft. What is sad to see is the overall market trend that Microsoft has taken in the last few years. Lumia is a bit more..extreme(down 46% in Oct '15 compared to Oct '14) showing that trend, but Microsoft has taken some significant hits and are not the software giant that they were in the '90's and early 2000's. With the decline in home PC's and desktop computing, to launch a mobile platform such as a phone has proven to be a significant challenege for them. More interesting to see is that their trend is almost perfectly synonymous with Intels,
Re: Attention!!!!! I know how to save Windows Phone & Nokia?

Someone got hang of some good stuff.
Re: Attention!!!!! I know how to save Windows Phone & Nokia?

I do not speak english very well.
The basic thing is that WP needs to have more than one home screen.
Is it better one room or the whole house!!
Second, program menu should have the option of table not only list!!
Re: Attention!!!!! I know how to save Windows Phone & Nokia?

I do not speak english very well.
The basic thing is that WP needs to have more than one home screen.
Is it better one room or the whole house!!
Second, program menu should have the option of table not only list!!

I don't think a table option would be a bad idea. I'm not sure what I would do with "More than one home screen" but I do wish I could swipe left from start to get to something, like maybe Cortana? I feel like swiping left is a missing feature. Regardless overall W10 is very well designed, better than any Android version I've used.
Re: Attention!!!!! I know how to save Windows Phone & Nokia?

You cannot save Nokia anymore. These new Lumia phones and (hopefully surface phone) are Microsoft. Nokia has nothing to do with these phones anymore. I think W10M is a like rising sun! it is coming and it will get attention. there are couple reasons why WP8.1 wasn't for everyone, it was differend yes, but same time it just... maybe it was the look of it. Usually people want to have wallpapers (full) and customize their phones. I myself liked WP8.1 but now using W10M for months I find WP8.1 bit ugly. only thing we now need is more apps! and of course OS needs some tweaks and stuff! :D
Re: Attention!!!!! I know how to save Windows Phone & Nokia?

I haven't logged in to the site in months and logged in only to say lol at #5. :grin: :evil: :winktongue:
Re: Attention !!!!! I know how to save windows phone & nokia

I see plenty of reasons to talk about my phone. For me it is a good OS and hardware and I am glad the people I surround myself with aren't just out looking for trends and are more open to different platforms.

I think your love of WP and W10M is more about your desire to be different and less about which operating system is better.
Re: Attention !!!!! I know how to save windows phone & nokia

Apps must be more of an age thing. The younger generation is growing up using these devices and they take to these phones like a fish to water.
Even though windows is missing key apps ( my bank would be great on here), what keeps people here? Obviously the superior user experience. I have used windows now for just over three years and have tried android and iOS. Windows despite it's lack of apps like those other 2 is a much more user friendly experience to me and many Here.
Now all they need to do is polish up the OS and get all the missing apps and I think windows will finally be the winner it deserves to be.
I'm a bit like the previous poster. I have tried, and retried the other operating systems. I gave my iPhone 5S to the wife (who loves it) and have owned quite a few Androids (including Samsung S5, HTC M8 and most recently a Moto X Style) and experienced android from Honeycomb to Marshmallow. Perversely, the extra app availability has not been enough to keep me there. I still prefer Windows phone. I guess it's down to the basic UI, hardware and the fact that almost all the apps I would want to use regularly are present. I'm not a gamer so I'm not missing out there. I realise I'm in a lucky position and recognise that for W10 to survive and thrive it needs to broaden it's appeal and strive to increase app availability. I think it is starting to do that. Sadly, many people feel frustrated with the development pace but then android users can only dream of something akin. Most android flagships can only count on 1 or 2 updates over a year to 18 months. Mid range and low end handsets will fair even less well. Yet the Windows phone community howl with rage when 3-4 year old handsets aren't immediately upgraded. There is a lot to knock on this platform but there is also a lot to love and I just wish sometimes that was reflected a bit more on these boards.
Re: Attention !!!!! I know how to save windows phone & nokia

I think your love of WP and W10M is more about your desire to be different and less about which operating system is better.

Unlike the majority of people who seemed to switch from WP, my life is not dictated by the phone I use. Hence why I am content for now with a 2013 Flagship(1520) and see no reason to get a 950 or even an iPhone or Android flagship. Because my 1520 I got two weeks is doing well for me thus far...knock on wood.

I don't need to be different because I am not defining myself. However, I am glad that I am not one who is following trends. I did that with Android. I had the very first androids that came out. I brought into the whole "Droid Does"bs and was a droid ****** for years. Moved on to HTC to have the first 4G phone. I jumped into bed with Samsung with their Galaxy Devices and then I got the first sony Playstaiton phone.

I use windows phone and Windows 10 mobile because it does work for me and I love the OS. It doesn't have every app but it has most of them and if I need something, that's what my android tablet is for.

I know it may be a difficult concept for you to understand since Microsoft/Windows Phone has done some terrible injustice to you, but there are people who are happy with the OS and have little complaints and don't think the same way you do. I didn't just choose windows phone because it was different. I chose Windows Phone and Windows 10 because its differences got rid of my annoyances with Android.

Lag and horrible performance(I shouldn't be forced to get a high end flagship or nexus just to get a decent experience)
Horrible Cameras(it's only been the last year or two Android has gotten competitive)
Intrusive and Annoying Notification
Ads in my notifications
Poor Updates(I guess I should've chosen Nexus?)
Nothing innovative (though admittedly since the 1020, Windows phone hasn't been the most innovative with hardware either) aside from a curved screen Galaxy phone? LOL
Re: Attention!!!!! I know how to save Windows Phone & Nokia?

I'm a bit like the previous poster. I have tried, and retried the other operating systems. I gave my iPhone 5S to the wife (who loves it) and have owned quite a few Androids (including Samsung S5, HTC M8 and most recently a Moto X Style) and experienced android from Honeycomb to Marshmallow. Perversely, the extra app availability has not been enough to keep me there. I still prefer Windows phone. I guess it's down to the basic UI, hardware and the fact that almost all the apps I would want to use regularly are present. I'm not a gamer so I'm not missing out there. I realise I'm in a lucky position and recognise that for W10 to survive and thrive it needs to broaden it's appeal and strive to increase app availability. I think it is starting to do that. Sadly, many people feel frustrated with the development pace but then android users can only dream of something akin. Most android flagships can only count on 1 or 2 updates over a year to 18 months. Mid range and low end handsets will fair even less well. Yet the Windows phone community howl with rage when 3-4 year old handsets aren't immediately upgraded. There is a lot to knock on this platform but there is also a lot to love and I just wish sometimes that was reflected a bit more on these boards.

I mainly stick to the articles these days as the forums have become such a depressing area to discuss the platform tbh :P I sort of wish they would just create a subforum just for the Anti-Windows 10 people or whatever because you'd think the platform didn't have ANY happy users with the way it looks on the forum.

And sadly we are labeled as fanboys because we aren't following the status quo of bashing it.
Re: Attention !!!!! I know how to save windows phone & nokia

Yup, I know how you feel. I know things are far from perfect but any comment that disputes the accepted wisdom (that W10 is an utter mess) is greeted with incredulity. I'm obviously a hopeless ****** in the eyes of many and I kinda don't care. Loving my windows phones even more than I did on 8.1 now.
Re: Attention!!!!! I know how to save Windows Phone & Nokia?

Well while this has been an interesting thread there are ultimately no answers here. We have multiple threads debating the same topics elsewhere in the boards and these kinds of discussions tend to boil down to "I know better than <insert company here>".

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