Attention! Possible Lumia 920 design defect

To Nokia Care my 920 went

So, decided to take my Lumia 920 to Nokia Care today, due to problems around SIM-tray and speaker. Simply put, it creaks. Noticeably so, when I press the speaker. Very annoying. Otherwise no problemos whatsoever. Battery life was good, vibration was ok, screen had no problems. The chassis just wasn't up to quality standards I expect from a device of that price point.

Though what is even more annoying is they told me there at the Nokia Care that it'll take half a week to week to get it sorted. I've had the damn device for less than a week now and "repairs" take that long? I think they should've given me a new one, right at that spot. Well, back to N900 for meantime.

So, how many of you people have had problems with creaky chassis?

Mood: Pissed off. Seriously.
I noticed mine has a little creak around the camera button now. I may need Elop's email address. My wife's white one is not doing this. I have no access to the other 2 I bought any longer.
My case actually flexes all along the top, and not just in one specific location. I'm not sure it's a big enough issue for me to try and exchange the phone. Personally, it doesn't bother me as I don't tend to grab my phone and press down forcefully at the top of the case. If there are other associated issues, then maybe it could become a concern.
I too have this chassis issue with a ATT store launch day black 920. Have to admit, not a big deal aesthetically to me, although I worry about it letting dust leak in. Question for those complaining abt dust in the front camera, not to ask a dumb question but, how are you seeing this? When you try to take a photo, or can you actually literally see dust in the tiny camera lens with your eyes? Not questioning the validity, just want to know so I can check mine phone.

I emailed Nokia about this and they are going to ship me a new phone and want my current one back for their investigations. so like others said, at least they are aware and are taking it seriously.
My case actually flexes all along the top, and not just in one specific location. I'm not sure it's a big enough issue for me to try and exchange the phone. Personally, it doesn't bother me as I don't tend to grab my phone and press down forcefully at the top of the case. If there are other associated issues, then maybe it could become a concern.

In my case, there was already some dust get in the gap which caused the flex. I'm afraid if the dust and dirt keep accumulating, the gap will become bigger.
I have the same issue along the bottom speaker, its creaks and is a bit lose.

How do I go about returning and exchanging? Will ATT just exchange it at their store? I also realize now I have a battery issue. Mine has never made it a full day without needing a charge. I though that was normal until I read it should be able to perform better than that.
Anyone tried this yet?

I had this problem with my first white version. I believe that it has to do with the way that the screen is mounted to the body. If your actual glass is lifting from the panel, then you DEFINITELY have a problem. However, in most I would guess that it is the entire housing. I could physically see mine press into the unibody case when pressing the top right of the phone. I have a theory... as the case heats up, I believe that it can cause a subtle "warping" of the material...enough to the point where the screen isn't locked in as solid as it should be.

I was able to get mine exchanged, although it was within the time frame and I was also having GPS issues. I checked the (black) floor model and it didn't have the issue. My new white one doesn't have it either. HOWEVER, I wouldn't test it, as it seems that this could be a weak spot in the design.
My cyan pre-order does not have the creak, but there is a very, very, very small gap where the display meets the chassis.
My co-worker's red pre-order has the creak, but he has no gap in the chassis.

Side note: I have the proximity sensor issue, but my co-worker does not.

Very disappointing that these issues went unnoticed and/or were allowed to go into production. A different friend has the exact same proximity sensor issue w/ his 920 proto (not a //BUILD model, but an actual Nokia proto he got a month or two prior to //BUILD), but he chalked it up to being a proto and figured it would be addressed by production. I guess not...
I exchanged mine on yesterday, due to the annoying cracking sound + dust under FCC
Here is the new unit looks like

Ding on glass out of box:crying:
What's wrong with Nokia qc?!
I had a chance to play around with 2 new black Lumia 920s, and tested to see if they did the same thing at the top as my own, and it looks like they do not exhibit the same issue. I feel as if you got one that does do this, you should exchange it. I am noticing that dust is constantly getting into the FFC area. Of course, a quick gust of air also moves the dust away, but I shouldn't have to do that to begin with.
I noticed a clicking at the top of my phone the other day too. (Black 920, Rogers) Its right in front of the sim tray, it clicks if I press down there. Just happened to pick it up and noticed this by accident. Now I can't un- see it.. grr. On top of that my case also creaks along the bottom left. If I hold the phone to take a picture using the hardware camera button where my thumb rests on the bottom left it creaks when I squeeze here while pressing the button. Its actually quite loud too.. Worried this is only going to get worse now. In general the phone makes alot of creaking sounds even just handling it.
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Okay, so i have the same issue. I'm really disappointed in the quality of the phone's build. I've never had a problem with this loud creaking noise with my iphone 3gs or 4. At&t reps know this is an issue and have admitted it to me.

I'm on my 3rd Lumia, I don't think I'll be replacing it with a 920. The 2 other times I've had major software and hardware issues :(
My first L920 had the same issue and I had it replaced for rebooting.

My second L920 does not and it feels solid. I still believe that most of these issues are happening with the initial release L920's. The second batch that carriers received seem solid.
I have swapped out two phone's because of this design defect in the top by sim slot making clicking sound when you press on it. Makes the phone seem cheap. I think nokia needs to address this head on before it catches more fire.

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