Audio through bluetooth


New member
Nov 6, 2011
I have a strange setup and I'm worried that it isn't supported by WP7. I have a Bluetooth unit in my car which pairs with the phone the same as a regular headset. With my previous phone (WM6.5) I can turn on BT, then open the audio gateway and it will send all system sounds through the BT pairing. I use it for podcasts, as I don't mind the decreased sound quality.

Is there any way to force audio output via BT on WP7? An app? This isn't A2DP, and I suspect that MS just doesn't support "power user" options that normal people wouldn't need. But it means that I will need to wire in an aux-in to this car for podcasts. On the up side, then I'll have music, too...
What Bluetooth unit do you have? Since I'm not home I can't try with the titan, but it worked fine with my quantum in my car (alpine stereo and by module). I have streamed music, calls, and games with no trouble.

Sent from my LG-C900 using Board Express
That does not sound to promising. I guess it depends on what your bluetooth setup declares itself to be. Most in car bluetooth systems would probably only work a certain way. Mine for example only works with Handsfree options, Incoming texts and Voicecalls.

One of the things I like about the WP is the lack of tinkering which basically means I suspect this will not be an option.

Would be interesting to hear if others have made this work with a standard untinkerd phone. My USB Aux in the car is in the glove box which is a stupid location. I would much prefer it if I could stream.
The module is a Galaxy 1000 which plugs into my OnStar harness, giving me semi-native BT where I previously had OnStar. It is mono and pairs just like a headset, so I bet it will work for calls only. I was just wondering if there was something I could do to get ALL audio to route through it (like audio gateway on WM6.5).

Wiring in aux means going through the XM input.

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