I have a strange setup and I'm worried that it isn't supported by WP7. I have a Bluetooth unit in my car which pairs with the phone the same as a regular headset. With my previous phone (WM6.5) I can turn on BT, then open the audio gateway and it will send all system sounds through the BT pairing. I use it for podcasts, as I don't mind the decreased sound quality.
Is there any way to force audio output via BT on WP7? An app? This isn't A2DP, and I suspect that MS just doesn't support "power user" options that normal people wouldn't need. But it means that I will need to wire in an aux-in to this car for podcasts. On the up side, then I'll have music, too...
Is there any way to force audio output via BT on WP7? An app? This isn't A2DP, and I suspect that MS just doesn't support "power user" options that normal people wouldn't need. But it means that I will need to wire in an aux-in to this car for podcasts. On the up side, then I'll have music, too...