Auto Correct not working well at all on WP10. Anybody else agree it sucks compared to 8.1?

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Windows Central Question

Do any of you notice how bad the autocorrect is on WP10? I'm running a 950xl unlocked US version. Now, I've had Windows Phone's all the way back to the Cingular 8125. I purchased the 950xl a week or so ago and the auto correct on basically everything is horrible.

For example, when I would type "cant", it would ALWAYS autocorrect to "can't". Contractions are my main beef. Some other misc words to are just not even noticed and glossed by in the autocorrect dictionary. I double checked my settings, made sure the keyboard was the correct one also. I noticed that you can switch keyboard/languages by swiping the space bar.

So is anyone else having this issue? I know it sounds stupid, but it's pretty ridiculous that Windows Phone 8.1/8 was WAY better. Hell, even 7.x was better.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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Jan 27, 2014
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I'm not sure why yours isn't working but mine works fine.. Typing "cant" and hitting space bar, corrects it every time for me.

Did you check if you space bar says "Eng US"? if it doesn't, try downloading the US keyboard under settings..

I know you're a wp veteran, but just pointing it out :p

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Sep 26, 2015
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Ya, I checked the keyboard. There was one time in the beginning that I did set it to Spanish by accident. Kind of a bad design flaw that you can switch keyboards on the fly by swiping the keyboard.

I also typed "cant" and no autocorrect, nor squiggly. Strange.

I'll try the keyboard reinstall and let you know.

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