B2X Support - My experience

Re: B2X Support - Absolutely terrible customer service

Alright, not gonna keep spamming this topic anymore but for now this is where I am at:

Hello, thank you for contacting B2X support for your Microsoft device. How can I help you?
I am enquiring about the status of my escalation
IMEI: (removed)
Case numbers: (removed), (removed), (removed), (removed)
Hi! (Removed) I would be happy to help you.
Thank you for providing case numbers, please allow me 3 minutes to check the updated status?
sure no problem
Thank you for your patience, I regret to say that the case is still under progress as we do not have received any update, please do not worry we will contact you at the earliest as soon we will be updated with solution.
My apologies for inconvenience.
Alright, but I last recieved a response 28th December. I don't consider this acceptable. Can you not nudge the ticket on your system?
It feels like your 2nd line are simply ignoring me. I spoke to a lady and sure assured me she would send me a quote, this never happened, they did not fulfil what they said they would
I am very sorry for miscommunication, now I will report this feedback again and mention status of your case as high priority, and I hope you will receive response at the earliest.
We are here to help you.
Thanks, that would be appreciated, all I need is a quote, so it shouldn't be too complicated
Thanks for your help
Thank for your patience (Removed), sure you will receive a response form our side soon.
Please note down the case number (5th case number!!) for future references.
OK, thanks very much
Is there anything else I may help you with?
No that is all I needed. Thanks for nudging the ticker for me
Take care


I'll post back in a few days (or when something worthy happens)
Re: B2X Support - Absolutely terrible customer service

It could be that they're swamped relative to the amount of people working, since it's around New-Years....
Re: B2X Support - Absolutely terrible customer service

It could be that they're swamped relative to the amount of people working, since it's around New-Years....

Seeing how Lumia928's dealing w/B2X played out along with my own, it's complete and utter incompetence and "the holidays" is just another lame excuse. Remember, the user(s) explicitly stipulated their wants/needs yet whomever, for whatever reason, completely ignored those wishes.
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Re: B2X Support - Absolutely terrible customer service

Update: After sending a couple of emails to various people at B2X I got a reply from an employee there apologising for the bad service, and asked for more details so they could check the status of my query.

At the same time I got a phone call from a representitive of B2X support who asked me to clarify my case details and said they would get back to me later on in the day. I did get a phone call later on in the day but unfortunately was driving so couldn't answer. I chased online when I was at home and the person I spoke to has raised another service request for my phone. They have explained it will be treated as OoW repair because the screen is damaged, which is fine. They also called me to discuss and apologise further.

They said this time, my phone will be categorised correctly when it recieves their repair centre and they will be in touch to discuss payment details to repair the phone.

So, following me "kicking off" via email at them, the support is now as I would expect.

I'll be sending the phone off on Monday and hopefully I will have a good outcome this time. Will update the thread when I hear back from them.
Re: B2X Support - Absolutely terrible customer service

Update: After sending a couple of emails to various people at B2X I got a reply from an employee there apologising for the bad service, and asked for more details so they could check the status of my query.

At the same time I got a phone call from a representitive of B2X support who asked me to clarify my case details and said they would get back to me later on in the day. I did get a phone call later on in the day but unfortunately was driving so couldn't answer. I chased online when I was at home and the person I spoke to has raised another service request for my phone. They have explained it will be treated as OoW repair because the screen is damaged, which is fine. They also called me to discuss and apologise further.

They said this time, my phone will be categorised correctly when it recieves their repair centre and they will be in touch to discuss payment details to repair the phone.

So, following me "kicking off" via email at them, the support is now as I would expect.

I'll be sending the phone off on Monday and hopefully I will have a good outcome this time. Will update the thread when I hear back from them.

Hopefully you get the results you were initially striving for, good luck. :smile:

In my case things are still in limbo.Yet to get a response to my initial emails and an online chat session recently left me going away none the wiser. :unhappy:

Got tired of waiting for answers/results so chose to purchase another L650 through a non-Microsoft source, at least now we're back in business. Will wait and see what next week brings yet not too hopeful at this point.
Re: B2X Support - Absolutely terrible customer service

Following with interest, good luck.
Re: B2X Support - Absolutely terrible customer service

I wouldn't bother with them id rather just find a company near by get them to fix it. Since this company bad for support.
Re: B2X Support - Absolutely terrible customer service

Update: Phone has been sent to B2X now and they also phoned me to check if I had been successful in ordering the courier collection.

Also, on the shipping label that was auto generated, it now has the DHL account number part of the label.

Based on the above, I am now happier with B2X and despite the initial very lousy service, they are now showing that they are sorry for the initial problems and are trying to make-good the situation.

Will update in due course!
Re: B2X Support - Absolutely terrible customer service

Update: Phone has been sent to B2X now and they also phoned me to check if I had been successful in ordering the courier collection.

Also, on the shipping label that was auto generated, it now has the DHL account number part of the label.

Based on the above, I am now happier with B2X and despite the initial very lousy service, they are now showing that they are sorry for the initial problems and are trying to make-good the situation.

Will update in due course!

You know what they say "third times the charm" so hopefully this is it. :smile:

Update (Jan 17/17):

Can honestly say I won't be so forgiving as Lumia928 no matter what Microsoft does now, they've totally lost all my trust with me being totally disgusted with how things have played out so far..

Ordered another L650 from the Microsoft Store (replacement for my defunct one) on Dec 23rd and was told to wait 3 days for it to ship. Weeell nothing ever did ship and today I FINALLY got an email stating the following...

"We wanted to notify you that the item on your order was so popular that it is now out of stock. Because of this, we are unable to ship your product and you will soon be receiving a cancellation notification from your order. We appreciate your interest in our store and would like to offer you a promotional code valued at $250 as an apology for the inconvenience this causes."

Yep a nice jester of sorts but 26 days for that to become known!!! Oh ya, did I mention that we're still waiting for a resolve on the first one we sent back on Dec 8th!!! Essentially if we don't get our monies back for it their NICE jester is reduced to $127.93, no so nice!!!

My emails go unanswered, phone calls and chats result in nothing satisfactory as they seem to be stumped as to their next course of action even though they can see my device in their warehouse. Sent documentation/pertinent info over and over yet nothing ensues, other than their fiasco trying to set me up with Nokia Repairs literally nothing positive has happened, NOTHING!!! :angry:

I finally do have a L650 after our third go but no thanks to Msft as we ended up purchasing from another source.

Aaaand, that's my little rant for the day. :winktongue:
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Update as promised: I am pleased to report I got my phone back from B2x fully repaired and fixed. I also came to an arrangement with them regarding the cracked screen after they took into account my bad experience.

The phone repair seems top quality and you wouldn't know it had been taken apart. The ear piece which had a moderate amount of dust in (accumilated over the year) had also been cleaned.

Phone arrived well packaged with my original documents in tact too.

Thank you to the B2x staff who escalated my issue.

Hopefully B2x can improve some of their processes to make sure this sort of situation doesn't happen again.

Elky - That is a bad experience from the Microsoft store indeed! I had a similiar thing when I pre-ordered a surface RT from them a couple of years ago when they mislead UK customers into thinking we would get it on the release day and then sending us an email on the day saying it wouldn't be with us for a few more days.

Microsoft really need to get their house in order, the only thing people will compare a Microsoft Store to is the Apple store, and as we all know (love or hate), the support from Apple stores is generally great. They really need to make sure they are on a par!

How come you went for a 650 and not a 950 by the way?
Re: B2X Support - Absolutely terrible customer service

"We wanted to notify you that the item on your order was so popular that it is now out of stock. Because of this, we are unable to ship your product and you will soon be receiving a cancellation notification from your order. We appreciate your interest in our store and would like to offer you a promotional code valued at $250 as an apology for the inconvenience this causes."

Yep a nice jester of sorts but 26 days for that to become known!!! Oh ya, did I mention that we're still waiting for a resolve on the first one we sent back on Dec 8th!!! Essentially if we don't get our monies back for it their NICE jester is reduced to $127.93, no so nice!!!

My emails go unanswered, phone calls and chats result in nothing satisfactory as they seem to be stumped as to their next course of action even though they can see my device in their warehouse. Sent documentation/pertinent info over and over yet nothing ensues, other than their fiasco trying to set me up with Nokia Repairs literally nothing positive has happened, NOTHING!!! :angry:

I finally do have a L650 after our third go but no thanks to Msft as we ended up purchasing from another source.

Aaaand, that's my little rant for the day. :winktongue:

That's indeed annoying. Perhaps their system simply doesn't properly account for inventory between departments including web sales.

At least they're flush enough to give you some money for it though. I think a lot of other vendors would have simply refunded you and that'd have been that. Although I suppose you now have to either get more MS products or get them and sell them for cash, if you want cash.

One of the perks of living in a big city is having a store nearby where one can go and complain and get things resolved. I rarely have to deal with support using email etc, and when I do it's usually more or less irritating.
Update as promised: I am pleased to report I got my phone back from B2x fully repaired and fixed.

HURRAY!!! Glad it finally worked out in the end and you got your baby back FIXED! :smile: Sounds like they did their best to make it right which is good to hear.

Microsoft really need to get their house in order, the only thing people will compare a Microsoft Store to is the Apple store, and as we all know (love or hate), the support from Apple stores is generally great. They really need to make sure they are on a par!

With you on this one. Hard to believe that my experience is a one-off situation considering how things have played out so far, explained, complained and provided enough documentation (multiple times) so it is not if they don't have all the particulars.

How come you went for a 650 and not a 950 by the way?

Wanted to try a cheap WM device that was designed around 10 and the 650 seemed like the logical choice @ $99 CAD. Liked what we heard about the display, build, looks, and did we mention price LOL. Also was curious to see how my "upgraded" 830 stacked up against a device that was "made for".

Did contemplate getting the 950 at the sale price of $299 CAD but was pretty leery about the things I've been reading in regards to battery life, instability and so on. Essentially was erring on the side of caution so that if something did go wrong, or if 10 wasn't up to snuff, we wouldn't be out much in the way of $$$. Still want to try one but best stay clear if my past experiences and most recent one are telling.
Re: B2X Support - Absolutely terrible customer service

That's indeed annoying. Perhaps their system simply doesn't properly account for inventory between departments including web sales.

Yeah don't know what is going on but they've managed to screw things up royally, on two counts! There's my 1st purchase that ended up being defunct and sent back (this ones still unresolved), then the reorder for a second unit which got cancelled.

Speaking about "their system", it labelled my device's warranty null and void because it was shipped from the US into Canada. What bothers me is that support could see I ordered off Microsoft store.ca, in CAD funds yet they proceeded to make an issue of it, their problem now became mine. Every avenue used to address got completely ignored or sidestepped, so we're still unsure where it stands and if this may be the root cause for the delays.

At least they're flush enough to give you some money for it though. I think a lot of other vendors would have simply refunded you and that'd have been that. Although I suppose you now have to either get more MS products or get them and sell them for cash, if you want cash.

This credit was applied to the second 650 ordered and agree it was a good gesture on their part as there was nothing saying they had too. This 2nd order came about when I called web store support inquiring about my return and why it was still sitting in limbo. Went through the motions of explaining my situation and after some time they fired back with "tell you what we'll do. I'll place another order for you which could take up to 3 days to process, you should see it (phone) sometime next week" and that's exactly what they did but nothing ever processed. The part that has me up in arms though is WHY it took 26 days for it to be known they couldn't make good on the order. The funny thing is, we've seen stock come and go over that 26 day period and even when I got the cancellation email notice it showed "in-stock", as I'm typing this it still does. For the heck of it we went though the ordering process yesterday, without actually finalizing, and nothing pops up saying it's out-of-stock or "sorry, no can do".

I know exactly what we want to do but this experience has me extremely gun shy, can't trust one word they say now since we've heard way too many "rest assured" and "don't worry" and we're still without the device, our monies and concrete answers... Yes I do have another 650 after a third attempt but no thanks to Microsoft, an Amazon retailer came through with flying colours although we had to pay a slightly higher premium.

One of the perks of living in a big city is having a store nearby where one can go and complain and get things resolved. I rarely have to deal with support using email etc, and when I do it's usually more or less irritating.

Would have preferred the physical store hands down but its not a viable option for me.
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Another update...

Without warning and 38 days later my refund (minus shipping) finally showed up in my PayPal account, the emails w/o an explanation followed soon thereafter.

And am I an IDI@T or what. Had some FREE monies along with some temptations so bought a 950 before they again vanished (XL too big), so here we go again... Did I say NEVER :winktongue:
Another update...

Without warning and 38 days later my refund (minus shipping) finally showed up in my PayPal account, the emails w/o an explanation followed soon thereafter.

And am I an IDI@T or what. Had some FREE monies along with some temptations so bought a 950 before they again vanished (XL too big), so here we go again... Did I say NEVER :winktongue:

Haha nah. I totally understand. Got my hands on a 950 again too, even though I was against doing so for about a month. I'm glad that you finally got this resolved.
Haha nah. I totally understand. Got my hands on a 950 again too, even though I was against doing so for about a month. I'm glad that you finally got this resolved.

Awesome glad to hear that. My love for the 650's physical beauty/feel prompted me to splurge on the 950 with camera also being a main deciding factor. Both will be sporting same themes/cases so they'll be appropriately named Danny & Arnold (Twins) :grin:... Lame I know hehe.
Awesome glad to hear that. My love for the 650's physical beauty/feel prompted me to splurge on the 950 with camera also being a main deciding factor. Both will be sporting same themes/cases so they'll be appropriately named Danny & Arnold (Twins) :grin:... Lame I know hehe.

Haha I like that! I understand and agree about the camera. It's funny that you say that because that's part of the reason why I upgraded. The camera and hopefully less anxiety about the battery life.

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