Backup Messages and Contacts Only


New member
Apr 21, 2010
Hello everyone,

I have Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional.

I want to back my TXTs/messages and my Contacts only.

I did copy the pim.vol HOWEVER it didn't copy over my messages. is the 'cemail' file the one that houses the messages?

Specifically I am trying to backup my SMS messages.

Thank you very much and God bless,
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The easiest fastes way to back this stuff up is to use MyPhone. I hope that helps you
I used dotfred's PIMBackup before MyPhone came out.

It gives you the option of having a file to keep on your storage card if for some reason you're looking to transfer your information to a device that doesn't have a connection to the internet.
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m:IQ Live

Hey don't want to be spammy, but the best way to backup anything on your phone is the FREE m:IQ app, launched by best buy.... You can select what data off your phone you want to back up and what you don't.

m:IQ takes the content on your phone and automatically pushes it to a private account on the web. From that point on, what you do on the phone will instantly update on the web and what you do on the web will instantly update on your phone ? without you ever having to think about it.

Users sync their contacts, text messages, calendar events, calls, photos, videos, and internet favorites from their phones to their private web-based m:IQ account.* Once backed-up in the cloud, users can interact with their information in exciting new ways, send and receive text messages, share their experiences with friends and social sites, and easily restore their content when moving from one phone to the next.* Content instantly transfers between the phone and the web without requiring any user interaction ? ensuring that users are always backed-up and have access to their information.

Go to to download or receive more information!

Hope that Helps!

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