Bad battery drain after playing Halo: SA

Edward Woodward1

New member
Aug 13, 2013
I bought Halo: SA last night on my L920 (which is about 3 weeks old) and played it for about 30-40 minutes before i got a warning for critically low battery, so i turned it off and put my phone on charge over night and noticed this morning that at 100% i only have 8 hours remaining and using 11-14% battery per hour even in stand by mode. (everything to save power is already off).

Before buying and playing Halo last night, at 100% id be getting 2-3 days remaining and -1% battery usage per hour, so i thought maybe somehting was still running in the background, so ive tried multiple soft resets and nothing has fixed the issue.
+ all background apps are currently blocked.
hate to do this but, Bump!

it slowly went back to normal and as soon as i checked the power usage it bumped back to -11% per hour :/
The battery information from WP is not terribly accurate, have you actually seen a decrease in running time? The time displayed is based on your usage over the preceding period (24 hours, maybe) so that will be why your estimated time remaining would be lower right after playing a power sucking game.
The battery information from WP is not terribly accurate, have you actually seen a decrease in running time? The time displayed is based on your usage over the preceding period (24 hours, maybe) so that will be why your estimated time remaining would be lower right after playing a power sucking game.
From my experience, estimated time remaining is normally accurate (unless on battery saver, or at <15%). I know better than to trust the battery meter, though.
I know its not, but the battery is noticeably very poor to what it was prior to playing that game, ive lost 20% in 1hr30m just being on standby not even using the phone, the most i have done is replied to a couple of text messages, which is nothing to be losing 11-14% per hour over

so 11% usage per hour being on standby is pretty dreadful.
+ its been over 15 hours since the game was played, the phone has been soft reset multiple times and its still showing poor battery life and high usage per hour even though im not even using the device.

Ive also just noticed the settings don't seem to tell me the "time since last charge" anymore either, not sure if thats anything major but, i find it odd that information has vanished
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Try uninstalling the game then, your progress is saved online so you don't lose anything. Just to see if there is a process associated with the game that's causing the battery drain.
I've uninstalled it, so ill give it 30-60 minutes before determining if its made any difference.
If not, i may let my battery drain to 0% and do a full charge cycle and if that makes no difference ill hard reset it or get in touch with Nokia.
That sucks man. Some terrible problem lies with this system and that battery drain and it needs serious attention from MS
Yeah ive been loving the device and OS and honestly prefer it so much more than my old Android, but now this battery issue ive hit has really put a downer on the experience, im hoping when the device dies and a full charge to 100% will sort it out, but it kinda sucks that these measures must be take to fix the battery issues,

Im gonna try buy a new battery or take it too to a nokia care point soon and see if i can get a replacment anyway
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okay my battery is weird, i woke up today on 11% battery, ive used my phone a lil bit today made a few calls and updates a few apps, im now on 9% losing 0% charge per hour with 58 hours remaining, you think this is just a glitch in the battery timer or genuine time left? surely it should lose at least 1% per hour
now that is down right bizzare, does it show the when the phone was last charged? If not I found turning off the phone for awhile (1 to 2 mins) then on again got that showing again for me. This has only happened twice since upping to portico, the recent one was a few days ago.
it was last charged 1 day 4 hours ago, since i updated this thread it went from 9-5% after about 1hr30 mins it was just strange how it said 9% for hours and hours with almost 60 hours remaining, im waiting for the battery to die to do a 0-100 charge to see what happens, i still intend to go to a nokia center soon though, however i am hoping the amber update will fix these bugs im experiencing, so well see what happens
And you're complaining!!!

That is actually wonderful for this phone! Mine lasts 14 -18 hours top!!! And that's with the Amber update...

Read the entire thread, this was about the game screwing my battery over giving an 11% discharge rate per hour even after factory resetting the device and then it showing strange numbers this morning again after waking up with slow discharges that still seem abnormal.
Let it drain all the way to 0% and charge it back to 100%. See if that helps. Could be that your battery is going bad.
Read the entire thread, this was about the game screwing my battery over giving an 11% discharge rate per hour even after factory resetting the device and then it showing strange numbers this morning again after waking up with slow discharges that still seem abnormal.

I know. I read it. Just don't trust the main battery meter. I think your battery is still good.

Try to get another battery app in the marketplace and see if it gives you the same reading...

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