Bad News For Verizon Fans :(

Hopefully they will have something before July.

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That article is from September of last year. I think they were referring to the WP7 launch rather than this year's launch.
Oh ok, my bad, This popped up on my news feed today, not sure why Il take it down. Wheew what a relief lol
Not really surprising. They were last in on wp, and have always wanted to carry only the biggest selling handsets. They don't take chances, they wait for the proven winners. Cowardly, but good business.
I'm not leaving Verizon so hopefully they get more Windows phones before my next upgrade.

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express
I don't plan on leaving Windows Phone or Verizon so hopefully the have a LTE WP by April when when its time to uograde

Sent from my Trophy

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