Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned for judging nexuses although I've never used one before.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 822 (WP8) using Tapatalk
banned cause every time I see your name I try to pronounce it and sound like a dummy. (kinda like in Finding Nemo when they were trying to pronounce anemone)
Banned for not knowing it's pronounced like anime but with sin in the begining.

Fun fact: Sinime was derived from "Anime" by replaceing the "A" with the first 2 letters of my last name, "Si".
Banned for not knowing it's pronounced like anime but with sin in the begining.

Fun fact: Sinime was derived from "Anime" by replaceing the "A" with the first 2 letters of my last name, "Si".

BANNED cause my new name is wanime! Mods, make this happen!
Banned for ignoring the perfection of WP8 as you debate overall perfection vs imperfection esoterically.
Banned for stating that imperfections makes us perfect, yet not extending that same logic to WP8.
Banned for not knowing it's pronounced like anime but with sin in the begining.

Fun fact: Sinime was derived from "Anime" by replaceing the "A" with the first 2 letters of my last name, "Si".

Banned because that doesn't work with my name, Andrew -> An -> An + nime = Annime
Banned for not banning the previous poster

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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