Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned for thinking you're special for being in a different time zone and being happy about it.
Banned because I can be happy at whatever I want to be happy about, and that includes flying Lumia 1020s over the Bay Area.

Or, just floating Lumia 822s piloting on its own around my house. LIVE TILES CAN FLY
Banned because I got an email saying "LMZR" has replied but I don't see his post on the page, no matter how much I refresh. Better not be the cookies...
Banned because you seriously need to take a break from this thread. Now go to your room and do not post to this thread until 24 consecutive hours have passed.
Banned cause I get free WiFi at some places... And free coffee at work... And the government hasn't taxed the air I breath (yet), so that's free too (for now).

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