Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned because I'm not paranoid of the cameras watching me, the tapping of my phone, the searching of my email and facbook account.
Banned because the NSA is watching! NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA NSA
*They know if you are sleeping; they know if you're awake! [cue happy child's giggle]*
Banned for bringing up the NSA, they're more than welcome to read my email, even I find it boring.
Banned because I honestly don't really care about the whole NSA fiasco either (I live in the US). I'm trying to understand the reasoning behind all this "NSA is bad!" atmosphere... Honestly, they're going to back up my emails and won't be able to read the tons of WPCentral Notification Emails unless there's a warrant. Makes no sense, someone please explain for me!

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