Ban the post above you! Game!

Everyone above is banned because of my pure embarresment for the lack of ANYONE catching the "Animal House" references of my last banning post.

Sad, sad day........ John BeLushi hangs his head in shame, and he isn't even alive.
Everyone above is banned because of my pure embarresment for the lack of ANYONE catching the "Animal House" references of my last banning post.

Sad, sad day........ John BeLushi hangs his head in shame, and he isn't even alive.

Banned for not realizing I was preoccupied…

Banned for being preoccupied with anything else except this thread. I guess happiness is not a state you want to be in all the time.
banned for apparently trimming your nose hairs with a pistol

(btw i love that post snowmutt, and by association, you as well.)
Banned because your avatar is the POV of the fly that's buzzing around my room and annoying me right now.
Not even sure how to pronounce"POV". Some un-translatable insect language.

So.... Banned do using Some un-translatable insect language.

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