Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned for having a distracting avatar, I can't tell if that a chicken or duck or goose or a cake shaped goose.
Soooo.... prior to banning you for 1,222nd time, give or take, let me be sure I have this right....

YOU are making fun of someone elses avatar?? REALLY???

Just so banned. Nose in corner. Don't come out until you are release on the as yet not started "Un-ban the post above you! Game!" game.
Banned for dragging your feet in getting us to 3000 posts (I own the 2000th post, so I don't need another milestone).
Banned for having a space in your username. (WPCentral is one of the few services on the web that allow you to have a space in a username, I believe)
Banned for ignorance about username conventions. Spaces are not an issue in this thoroughly modern age.
Banned for being mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence.

(And it's like gay marriage: Just because I'm pro-gay marriage, doesn't mean I'm gay.)

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