Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned for telling someone to tell someone not telling someone that's telling someone by telling someone to tell something I'm lost?
Banned for finding JarJarBinks funny. I though we had finally got rid of him for good. Thanks a whole bunch sinime. May you share the same room with JarJarBinks for the rest of eternity.
Banned for suggesting such cruel and unusual punishment... Also, that's against article 3 of the Geneva Convention

Banned from showing me anymore JarJar. It's either JarJar or me, sinime. Make your choice. One more JarJar and I'm leaving you and I'm never coming back!
Oh come on. Of all the reasons to ban me, you just have to pick that? Okay, then. No hard feelings, though.

You could have banned me for:
1. Having an avatar based off a character from an otherwise obscure shmup full of lolis.
2. Having a cyan 620, living in a cyan house, having cyan clothes...
3. Exceeding the number 9. Seriously.
4. Giving you a list of reasons why to ban me.

And, for that, you're banned.

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