Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned because them is considered gender neutral. However I will use, Bee Mon, 'she' or 'her' from now on!
Banned because I've never heard anyone call themselves a bag of anything :P

Also, to the coffee person above me, banned for talking genders in an internet forum.

Sent from my GDR2'd Lumia 822
Banned for disapproving of double banning; I will follow up on my last bans and now I shall triple ban, regardless of gender!
Banned for assuming there is but 1 rule in this thread... Banning the post above you is mearly a guideline to follow, beyond that, this is the wild west of the modern era.
Banned for being hypocritical. This is what you posted on 17th of August 2012 "Banned for banning more than the post about you in the "Ban the post above you! Game!"" I KNOW what you did last year.
Banned for reminding me of the grudge. Now get adapt to this for the rest of the page.

Banned, it's probably the same cat that sleeps on my car and scratches the paint... Shotgun cocked and ready to fire
Banned for being cruel to cats that only wants a warm place to sleep. I don't like you anymore.

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