Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned for the unoriginal banning of just stating the opposite. And for that matter everyone here is banned for running out of ideas! We need fresh bans! Banned, banned, banned!
For the love of all that is Holy, no politics will be referred to on this thread.

Banned for the sake of unity, bipartisanship, and a desire to not hear name calling like third graders....
Banned for we need more banable content here. Let me start it off by stating that Windows Phone isn't real; it's only the product of your dreams.
Banned because my Lumia 620 just scored a goal against some crappy Android defenders.

Score is now at 2-1, Windows Phone leads at the 30:27 mark. First goal for Windows Phone was scored by the unlikely hero, the Fujitsu IS12T.

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