Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned because I'm too tired to ban someone. Oh wait! I just banned you. Never mind. One is never too tired to ban someone.
Banned because you banned the banned guy without any good banning reason to ban him and you used the ban word to many times to ban the banned guy and you banned him so I will ban you too because of all this banning reasons . You are BANNED

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"B" told me it does not like you speaking for it.

Banned for overstepping the line with Alpha Bits.
Banned. Because "B" doesn't speak. It just likes to be the first one to start a Ban. And hence you can "Take it and Go" :P
With apoligized to Dr. Suess:

I feel the fear, I cheer: I am out of here.

Slighted so out of hand, Banned, I am.

Do not laugh, you don't know the half.

Sign out so do you,

You are BANNED and canned too.
Trying to incite rule breaking?? You can't do that!! Only I can do that!!

Banned for taking my job!! :angry:

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