Ban the post above you! Game!

Nah, we have read your posts. We are aware how unbalanced you truly are.

Banned for false advertising.
Things have to be unbalanced before to balance it later. And hence you are banned for trying to unbalance.
Hey, you used the word "hence". Only I can use the word "hence".

Banned for being unbalanced AND taking my favorite word. Double banned. Walk out the door twice.
You cannot walk out the door twice without coming back. You have to walk out, come back and walk out again. Therefore, by asking this guy to walk out twice you ask him to walk out, come back and walk out again. Therefore you ban him (walk out), un-ban him (come back) and ban again (walk out the second time). Since this thread is only about banning someone and not un-banning you are banned for not following the rules. Now, walk out the door :)

You are right. Rule driven and a tad more serious then I was expecting, but right.

Banned X3. Walk out three seperate doors. I trust ya, you will figure it out.
Banned for a poor attempt at using alliterations in a banning post...

...Why aren't we at 6600 yet...

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