Ban the post above you! Game!

Come on now!! All children need a good scare every once in a while. Get them around a campfire, you are supposed to scare the youth right out of them with ghost stories.

I say LET Qwark scare the little ankle bitters!!

Banned for spoiling the runts.
I think I see that CIA operative heading your way, all ninja like.

I am banning you, Qwark, but i think the CIA-Ninja is gonna end you, so it might just be a tad overkill.
Banned! Cause no one will come to your aid when I conquer the world like Megamind! Just...just let me finish sewing my cape. I really need it for my "You are all doomed"-speech.
Banned! Oh, I don't need to hurt a kitty....I have minions with sharp metal theeth and red glowing eyes to do that for me :D
Banned for allowing them to form a union. They were your minions. This proves you are no good at being evil. You were better of as glowing worms.(Got it correct this time :P)

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