Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned! I planned on destroying you with my secret five point palm exploding technique like Pai Mei, but I'm more of a Master Roshi-kinda guy. *offtospyonsomeprettygirls*
You can't just simply 'agree'. That's way too laid back. You have to emphatically agree!

Banned for being bobbing head. :P
Oh no! Not a re-ban anything but a re-ban! :/

Banned because I just can't handle re-bans....though I don't mind Ray Ban's...
It's a banning thread. By it's nature, we are verbally picking you up by the virtual scruff of your pants, and chucking you out of the thread, head first, and watching you skid face first into the gutter just outside of WPC. This is Mobile Nation's version of a Jason Statham action flick.

I am the "Transporter" , I declared you "Expendable", you are not "Safe" in any way, and this your violent ban off the WPC "Homefront".
What!? Violence!? No! Bringing movie references that I don't know!?

That deserves a ban! Can't let you get away with those movie references....
BANNED....That was a real kick and good for Bannings and lashings of the old ultraviolent...
Banned for banning petty little things when there are real world problems. Now where are my shoes...
Dang!! These shoes I stole fair and square are too big for me!!

Dang it, LaRue!! Banned for having such cool shoes in the wrong size!!! :eck:

*tosses cool shoes in disgust*

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