Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned for displaying what appears to be an obituary picture for your avatar.
Banned for thinking I was quitting banning when I was talking about sinime who said that was their last ban. I think.
I would ban you from my house, I would ban you with a mouse, I would ban you on a box, I would ban you with a fox, I would ban you here or there, I would ban you anywhere, banned for posting on this thread, sitting down or on your head!
I would ban you from my house, I would ban you with a mouse, I would ban you on a box, I would ban you with a fox, I would ban you here or there, I would ban you anywhere, banned for posting on this thread, sitting down or on your head!

Banned for a creative and rhyming banning list. Very nice by the way...
“Unless you get banned a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” – The Banax

And yes, it was a moddified Seussian ban.

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