Ban the post above you! Game!

I don't really care about your reasons. :P

Let me play a sad song on my mini violin for you.


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Crack minded peoples fighting over petty things

You all are banned especially two persons are double banned, you know about whom i'm talking
There's no fighting here. It's all your head. Such violent thoughts. Need to chill man.

Banned for not being more frosty.
I am going to ban you because..... ummm...

Crap. Can't remember. Huh.

Just go play in banned traffic. Trust me, there was a reason.
Banned for not remembering! And also banned for that cute bear you've got in the picture! Why he has a shirt on? He doesn't need one, he must feel hot :(
You hurt Talk4Lig's feeling by mentioning he hurt that bear which he did not intent to hurt, which in turn hurts my feelings. So you deserve a hurtful ban.
... for being a bleedin heart softie, BANNED,, now go away and find another to ban to redeem your pitiful self.

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