Ban the post above you! Game!

And.... look at this. A hanging chad. After a recount, we discover you were actually banned and had some dead people voting for yaro da yaar. For shame, Bee Mon.... for shame.

Scandal ridden ban on you.
I slept almost through the entire monday but I'm still grumpy.....BANNED!!!

Never knew you could not work on a monday and still be grumpy^^
Nah, I had some weird zombie dreams in a typical company building with glass front at night.

Don't know why but I blame you for it -> BRAINZZZ...uhm, I mean BANNED!!!
You slept through Zombie dreams! I guess you wouldn't wake up even if there is was earthquake,LOL 😁.
That deserves a BAN,
BANNED for not realising the tsunami was a punctured water bed... Ahhh sweet dreams!!
How dare you? I shall strike back with one of the most rude attacks I know!

The Flying-****-in-your-face-ban!


edit: really? you can't say b-utt here? O.o
Feelings, nothing more than feelings... Oh oh oh...feel... That song is reverberating in my head.... BANNED

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