Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned for mentioning the type error without pointing out where this error of typing occurred during the sentence.
^Banned for stopping on this thread while you were supposed to wander as a traveler and not ban people at WP forum because they created a thread to ban people for fun.
Banned for trying to drive people to a competing social media. We want people to stay here and have fun, and to eat cake. 😊
Banned for watching be push a guy out my way to get a mcmuffin before it finished at 10:30.
Banned for pushing the guy who crashed into me and made me spilled my coffee on another guy who then jumped back with horror into a lady who then fell backwards screaming throwing up the tray up she was carrying causing people to run off in all directions and then you leaped forward towards the tray snatching the last mcmuffin from the air before the tray fell down, rolled across the floor and then ran out of mcdonalds laughing dementedly.

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