bijak_riyandi New member Apr 4, 2014 888 0 0 Dec 29, 2014 #10,062 Hey, you're new in this thread! Here, take this ban!
someone2639 Active member Sep 25, 2014 3,070 0 36 Dec 30, 2014 #10,064 Banned for forcing manners on us.
psoham777 New member Aug 23, 2014 4,145 0 0 Dec 30, 2014 #10,066 Banned for extending this manners conversation further
raycpl Active member Apr 6, 2013 6,107 17 38 Dec 31, 2014 #10,070 Banned... This thread is for banning. The "Three Word Story" is in another thread..... 1234567WP8.920
Banned... This thread is for banning. The "Three Word Story" is in another thread..... 1234567WP8.920
bijak_riyandi New member Apr 4, 2014 888 0 0 Dec 31, 2014 #10,071 Banned because he wasn't telling any story despite his three words post
raycpl Active member Apr 6, 2013 6,107 17 38 Dec 31, 2014 #10,072 Banned for not knowing a poor storyteller when you see one!!
psoham777 New member Aug 23, 2014 4,145 0 0 Dec 31, 2014 #10,073 Banned. Many stories told in this thread.
bokchoy1 New member Jun 27, 2012 2,015 0 0 Jan 1, 2015 #10,076 Banned for using the optical drive tray as a cup holder
someone2639 Active member Sep 25, 2014 3,070 0 36 Jan 2, 2015 #10,078 Banned, what if you DO user the optical drive as a cup holder?
bijak_riyandi New member Apr 4, 2014 888 0 0 Jan 3, 2015 #10,079 The fact is I don't. So you're now banned.
snowmutt New member Jul 4, 2011 3,801 0 0 Jan 4, 2015 #10,080 Facts are facts. Pesky things, not willing to change, as the cliche' goes. A cliche' is a cliche' because they are true. Here is a cliche' also very true: You are banned.
Facts are facts. Pesky things, not willing to change, as the cliche' goes. A cliche' is a cliche' because they are true. Here is a cliche' also very true: You are banned.