Ban the post above you! Game!

Banned because I normally like the vanilla experience.

I'd like an N95 for vanilla S60 3rd Edition.
I'd like an N97 for vanilla S60 5th Edition. (Okay, maybe not.)
I'd like an N8 for vanilla Symbian^3.
Of course, I'd also like an 808 PureView for vanilla Symbian Belle and the Broadcom GPU.

Now, excuse me for a moment to stop this nosebleed due to talking about the 808.
Banned because while I have AllAboutSymbian to do stuff like that, I'm stuck here.

And, didn't I have a hand in your being an ambassador? What happened to your record of 160 posts in one day?
Banned because:
1. No, I don't love him.
2. My reference wasn't to anime, baka.
3. There reference was to my avatar, the baka or 9.
4. You know what it means.
Banned because: a) was non of your business, b) not using bing translator ^_^ (which probably would turn out weird, cuz my japanese sucks) :P

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