Band 2 Bugs + Defects


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Band 2 is out. Have you recently bought one yourself? Have you felt that something was not right with it or wasn't working well? Some hiccups or snags? If "yes", then fire off below and let us know what you've found.

[TIP]Here is some useful information:

Some issues with responsiveness and performance may be resolved by either restarting your phone or resyncing with the Microsoft Healt app.

If things get a bit more serious, you may opt to perform a factory reset on your Band 2.

Make sure to check the official Microsoft Band and Band 2 Support Pages for some of the most common tips and trouble shooting guides.[/TIP]

Remember to describe the bugs and defects you find as detailed as you can: let us know your phone model and then what happened leading up to the bug or how you found the defect. This way, our members would be able to help you as quickly and accurately as possible.
Everything is syncing except my email. Email coming to phone but when you check band it says, "Nothing new, check back in few". :unhappy:
Everything is syncing except my email. Email coming to phone but when you check band it says, "Nothing new, check back in few". :unhappy:

What email account(s)? Outlook/Gmail/Yahoo? Public servers or corporate setup?

Any special configuration on the email(s) in question?
Everything is syncing except my email. Email coming to phone but when you check band it says, "Nothing new, check back in few". :unhappy:

Have you gotten new emails since the Gen 2 was setup and connected or are you referring to emails that already exist on your phone can not be seen on the MB2?
I found that the step counter is a bit off. Yesterday when I first unboxed it and put it on, it didn't count steps for a couple hours. Could simply be due to needing a charge though. But I also found that if I just sit in a chair and swing my arm back and forth, it can on occasion count those as steps. Swing my arm four or five times in the manner I would when walking, and my step count increases by 10-20.
I found that the step counter is a bit off. Yesterday when I first unboxed it and put it on, it didn't count steps for a couple hours. Could simply be due to needing a charge though. But I also found that if I just sit in a chair and swing my arm back and forth, it can on occasion count those as steps. Swing my arm four or five times in the manner I would when walking, and my step count increases by 10-20.

Same here. I just got mine this afternoon and charged it up to about 95% and started walking around my house. My counter still says 0. I'll chalk it up to the newness.
I've had it completely stop functioning once and thought it was going to have to be brought back. I plugged it into the charger and it booted back up and said that it ran out of battery, but I had charged it to 99% just 6 hours earlier and it was already at 85% after it booted back up. If that happens and it thinks I ran out of battery in the middle of the day when I really didn't and I have no way to plug it back into the charger until I get home again that will really suck. I've also found that it still has major issues with windows 10 mobile: text messages show up multiple times, sometimes it takes 5-10 mins to receive notifications from the phone to the Band, using the speech to respond to texts (which I think uses Cortana) does not work at all for me, the Microsoft Health app takes close to a full minute to sync with the Band, etc.
I found that the step counter is a bit off. Yesterday when I first unboxed it and put it on, it didn't count steps for a couple hours. Could simply be due to needing a charge though. But I also found that if I just sit in a chair and swing my arm back and forth, it can on occasion count those as steps. Swing my arm four or five times in the manner I would when walking, and my step count increases by 10-20.

Just a thought, I wonder if there is GPS signal lost...
Everything is syncing except my email. Email coming to phone but when you check band it says, "Nothing new, check back in few". :unhappy:
Make sure you have Enabled email notifications under Manage Tiles settings on your band. Also check that you have not disabled Notifications on your phone's email client. Mine behaved similarly until I re-enabled Outlook notifications on my Android phone. Then everything worked as expected. It almost annoying though of you get many emails. I would like the option to be more selective on email Notifications.
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Re: [Quick Impressions] Who Has Gotten Band 2?

Anybody else getting an issue to where they type something on the band and then when you scroll to the right, nothing is shown, it's just blank? Have had that happen three times today, typed a reply message, scrolled to the right to make sure it was accurate and nothing showed up, just blank.
I've had it completely stop functioning once and thought it was going to have to be brought back. I plugged it into the charger and it booted back up and said that it ran out of battery, but I had charged it to 99% just 6 hours earlier and it was already at 85% after it booted back up. If that happens and it thinks I ran out of battery in the middle of the day when I really didn't and I have no way to plug it back into the charger until I get home again that will really suck. I've also found that it still has major issues with windows 10 mobile: text messages show up multiple times, sometimes it takes 5-10 mins to receive notifications from the phone to the Band, using the speech to respond to texts (which I think uses Cortana) does not work at all for me, the Microsoft Health app takes close to a full minute to sync with the Band, etc.
I have the same problem with Cortana and trying to reply. It works better on my phone in the car with hands free blue tooth then yelling into my wrist and the band.
I've had it completely stop functioning once and thought it was going to have to be brought back. I plugged it into the charger and it booted back up and said that it ran out of battery, but I had charged it to 99% just 6 hours earlier and it was already at 85% after it booted back up. If that happens and it thinks I ran out of battery in the middle of the day when I really didn't and I have no way to plug it back into the charger until I get home again that will really suck. I've also found that it still has major issues with windows 10 mobile: text messages show up multiple times, sometimes it takes 5-10 mins to receive notifications from the phone to the Band, using the speech to respond to texts (which I think uses Cortana) does not work at all for me, the Microsoft Health app takes close to a full minute to sync with the Band, etc.

I had the same exact thing happen to me. I'm really hoping it's just a small Software bug.
I've also found that it still has major issues with windows 10 mobile: text messages show up multiple times, sometimes it takes 5-10 mins to receive notifications from the phone to the Band, using the speech to respond to texts (which I think uses Cortana) does not work at all for me, the Microsoft Health app takes close to a full minute to sync with the Band, etc.

I have experienced similar issues with Windows 10 mobile. I find that text message notifications are slow to appear on the band, between 10 to 20 seconds. Text messages won't disappear from the reading queue after I have read them.

Phone calls don't appear until well over 1 minute it started on the phone.

Cortana will respond to me and appear on my phone, but only if my phone is already unlocked; otherwise, nothing happens. My phone doesn't even display the Lockscreen in order to open Cortana on the phone.
Another bug that has been discussed on this message board is the Floor counting is operating incorrectly. I walked up and down my stairs (2 flights) in my home 5 different times. The Band only counted 2 Floors. Others have confirmed this as well.
Im not receiving the Facebook and Twitter notifications on my band 2. I've made sure its turned on in the manage tiles in the health app. Is there anything else i need to check?

Edit: On 8.1
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Im not receiving the Facebook and Twitter notifications on my band 2. I've made sure its turned on in the manage tiles in the health app. Is there anything else i need to check?

Is it turned on in your Notification and Action Center? As theojt pointed out above, toggling email notifications corrected email notifications on his Band. Let us know and we can go from there.
Just using personal Outlook account. Funny, it shows up in notifications tile, but nothing on the email tile. Calendar, Financial, Twitter, Text Messages all sync with no problems.

While the feedback is appreciated.

Can we please say what version of OS we are on when we write here.Because if everyone is facing issues on w10m, it might not be the case on wp8.1.
Mine has what could be considered a Fatal Manufacturing Defect. On the back of the clasp, there's supposed to be a piece of glass protecting the cut-out for the UV sensor. However, mine never had this. I noticed Friday night that it was missing, and will be returning it on Monday for a replacement. The problem with this defect is that not only is the UV sensor exposed, but the chip used to facilitate charging is also exposed. This means of something get's in there, the entire Band could be fried or at least made useless if the charger is damaged.

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