Band 2 Bugs + Defects

Is it turned on in your Notification and Action Center? As theojt pointed out above, toggling email notifications corrected email notifications on his Band. Let us know and we can go from there.
Both are turned on in the action center even get the notifications on my 640 just not the band. I've deleted and reinstalled both apps making sure push notifications are activated. Toggled them on and off in the Microsoft health app.
My Notifications stop working from time to time. If I turn the Band off then on again does not help. If I turn off Bluetooth on my phone then turn Bluetooth back on then reconnect the Band then my Notifications start working again. I'm on WP 8.1

Has anybody had much success with the Band 2 with a W10 build compared to Windows 8.1? The same issues that were present in my Band 1 are still present on my Band 2 (paired with my Lumia 1520 on 8.1) and was wondering does the Band 2 work better with W10?
I am iOS 9.1 and the weather on band 2 doesn't stay sync'd when I first install the app and set up the zip code it worked. Then on subsequent syncs it seems to go back to Redmond, Wa (which I assume is because that is home of MS) i.efactory default. If I uninstall the MS health app completely from iPhone and reinstall we are good but then it happens again. The only fix - u install and reinstall MS app.!
Has anybody had much success with the Band 2 with a W10 build compared to Windows 8.1? The same issues that were present in my Band 1 are still present on my Band 2 (paired with my Lumia 1520 on 8.1) and was wondering does the Band 2 work better with W10?
I am having major HR issues with the biking app. Erratic readings about 1/3 mile into the ride. Had the same problem with Band 1.. thought it just did not work. I am running ICON with 8.1. I am as we speak, uninstalling MS Health app and reinstalling to see if it helps. When I shut off Bike app and view HR, it goes back to normal immediately. (from 150 BPM to actual of 95 BPM)
On the original Band, the golf app required one to wear the Band on one's leading wrist. This was to enable it to count shots, and it generally did a pretty good job. I made the mistake once of forgetting to move it to my left wrist (I usually wear it on my right wrist), and it did not count any of my shots.

I wear a heavy watch, and have gotten used to how the watch feels and moves on my wrist while playing golf. So moving the original Band to my left wrist impacted how my golf swing felt (felt "off"). But I had to do that to enable it to count shots. So imagine my delight in finding that the golf app on the Band 2 allows one to specify which wrist, and orientation, the Band 2 will be worn during golf.

Problem didn't work. Wore it on my inside right wrist, and it didn't count a single shot. I know someone posted on these forums that they experimented with the original Band, and that worn on the right wrist, but face outside, it worked. Which makes sense, because the sensors would detect motion the same way as if on the inside left wrist. Soooo........

Either my Band is defective, or maybe they left out the algorithm to switch the way it detects a swing if the user has selected to wear it on a different wrist. I will try to test it tonight, with it on my left wrist.
....Wore it on my inside right wrist, and it didn't count a single shot. I know someone posted on these forums that they experimented with the original Band, and that worn on the right wrist, but face outside, it worked. Which makes sense, because the sensors would detect motion the same way as if on the inside left wrist. Soooo.........

If that is the case, then MS will have a very difficult time including more and more swing styles and probabilities.
If that is the case, then MS will have a very difficult time including more and more swing styles and probabilities.
Not true......the general motion of a golf swing (for motion sensors to detect) is the same for everyone. Which is why it can pick up a putting and chipping stroke the same as a full swing. If it can pick up a regular stroke AND a putting stroke, it is plenty good at not needing different people's swing styles!
I am iOS 9.1 and the weather on band 2 doesn't stay sync'd when I first install the app and set up the zip code it worked. Then on subsequent syncs it seems to go back to Redmond, Wa (which I assume is because that is home of MS) i.efactory default. If I uninstall the MS health app completely from iPhone and reinstall we are good but then it happens again. The only fix - u install and reinstall MS app.!

Are your emails syncing to the mail tile on your band?
I notice a little bug: If I rotate to see the time and then hit the power button to access the functions of the band it sometimes turn right on, and other times it turns back off and I have to hit the power button two more time to get it to come back on again. A little weird...:straight:
My band 2 doesn't sync with the desktop app after I updated the software. Am not sure if it was syncing before then since i hardly ever use the app, but decided to check it out to see what the update might be. I am using W10 and the computer accurately recognizes the band 2 as being connected, but the desktop sync app keeps asking me to connect the band.
I have a few issues.

1. The HR tracking is way off! I did a very light workout on the cardio machine and my average for 15 minutes was 152 and it said my peak was 175. According to my Fitbit and the cardio machine I was more closer to 115-120. I wasn't pushing it at all.

2. I thought I noticed this on Saturday but now it is confirmed. I have a difference when I sync compared to my band and what the app says. My band right now is almost 1000 more than what the app says.
I have a few issues.

1. The HR tracking is way off! I did a very light workout on the cardio machine and my average for 15 minutes was 152 and it said my peak was 175. According to my Fitbit and the cardio machine I was more closer to 115-120. I wasn't pushing it at all.

2. I thought I noticed this on Saturday but now it is confirmed. I have a difference when I sync compared to my band and what the app says. My band right now is almost 1000 more than what the app says.

I am having similar issues with HR on the road bike. (Band 1 did the same thing and I returned it) HR spikes to about 170 after 4-5 minutes and then stays there most of the time. My actual HR is about 110 max. As soon as I shut off the app and view the HR on the me tile, it is normal. Running 8.1 on the Lumia Icon.
there is another thread about this, they say its something related to gps being off.

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