On the original Band, the golf app required one to wear the Band on one's leading wrist. This was to enable it to count shots, and it generally did a pretty good job. I made the mistake once of forgetting to move it to my left wrist (I usually wear it on my right wrist), and it did not count any of my shots.
I wear a heavy watch, and have gotten used to how the watch feels and moves on my wrist while playing golf. So moving the original Band to my left wrist impacted how my golf swing felt (felt "off"). But I had to do that to enable it to count shots. So imagine my delight in finding that the golf app on the Band 2 allows one to specify which wrist, and orientation, the Band 2 will be worn during golf.
Problem is......it didn't work. Wore it on my inside right wrist, and it didn't count a single shot. I know someone posted on these forums that they experimented with the original Band, and that worn on the right wrist, but face outside, it worked. Which makes sense, because the sensors would detect motion the same way as if on the inside left wrist. Soooo........
Either my Band is defective, or maybe they left out the algorithm to switch the way it detects a swing if the user has selected to wear it on a different wrist. I will try to test it tonight, with it on my left wrist.