Band 2 Bugs + Defects

Using a 640XL with W10M on it. I have noticed issues with counting stairs, battery, notifications, & sleep. I have been up and down stairs since I bought the B2 on release day, none but a few get recorded. The battery life seems to be draining quickly and I have made adjustments to try and reduce battery usage. Notification are slow to show up on my B2. For sleep, is the B2 supposed to be auto-detecting sleep like the B1 did?? I have used the sleep function a few times and it kept showing that I never woke up, when I know I did once or twice to use the bathroom. I am also not a very still sleeper. usually with the B1 that I had it would report that I woke up 4-5 times.

I think I am going to un-pair it and do a factory reset first. Test again and then will call MS support if it keeps happening.

No one should be "chalking it up" to anything. Like it being new or those that have the B2 being "early adopters". MS went through this with B1 so they have lived and learned. Yes they added some new stuff but we should not be having this many issues with this second version. WTF?? So, if it doesn't work correctly do a factory reset and if it still doesn't work either take it back to the store to troubleshoot or call MS support. I paid a lot of $$ for this and I'll be damned if I am not going to get what I paid for. Especially since how highly MS praised this device when they announced it.
Results from today's indoor cycling activity yielded better hr results in comparison to the strap. Aside from a rapid and short-lived spike to 151 (when it should have been in the high 90's) within the first 5 minutes, the Band tracked within a beat or two with the strap through the entire workout. I think its a software/algorithm issue that can be corrected. Average rate for the workout was within 3 bpm, which is pretty respectable, I'd think. I don't expect them to be identical, because of the differing methodologies involved, as long as they 'trend' similarly, and don't end up wildly differing.
Results from today's indoor cycling activity yielded better hr results in comparison to the strap. Aside from a rapid and short-lived spike to 151 (when it should have been in the high 90's) within the first 5 minutes, the Band tracked within a beat or two with the strap through the entire workout. I think its a software/algorithm issue that can be corrected. Average rate for the workout was within 3 bpm, which is pretty respectable, I'd think. I don't expect them to be identical, because of the differing methodologies involved, as long as they 'trend' similarly, and don't end up wildly differing.
I wish my results were as stable as yours. My spikes last for 1/3 of a 30 minute ride each time (see graph in previous post). It is not just an occasional "blip" it is the norm for me. I eco Jcrod73. This should have all be fleshed out in testing. If I was the only one with this problem I would accept that there is something unique about my physiology. It is true that I have a peripheral neuropathy (A type of Muscular Dystrophy) and my nerve conduction studies are abnormal as expected. But I don't think any of this technology has anything to do with nerve conduction but rather blood flow and how it articulates the skin. I can not find any correlation with the GSR readings while the HR goes whacky. They are all over the place at any give time whether HR is running true or not.
Cortana is still showing a # and if I open it and look there is news etc in there. This despite the fact that the app on my phone shows that to be OFF.

The sleep mode doesnt accurately reflect sleep. It is reporting shorter fall-asleep time and total sleep time is longer than actual sleep time.
I have a 10 mile run scheduled for Sunday. I'm going to wear both my Band 1 and my Band 2 on different wrists. I already have my "old" Band 1 synced to my wife's phone and health account. That should give me a good real-time comparison between readings on the two Bands. I'll post the graphs on Monday.
New band, same HR problem. (see image) HR spikes within the first 10 minutes. Maybe it is the shape of my arm, or the composition of my sweat, but it is not the specific band (Two Band 2 one Band 1) When I stopped and dried off my arm and the band it recovered for a few minutes then eventually spiked again.
For me with Band 1, the problem was almost always related to motion. If you can stop and just sit still, it would lock on and be accurate with a chest strap. But motion, particularly flexing the arm, tended to throw it off. Which makes sense - if you flex your arm, wouldn't that create a "pulse" of blood that goes with the flex? I think for some things, like walking, it tries to use it's motion sensors to ignore the results of flexing - but it may not fully understand all types of flexing motion.
syncing only one of three email accounts

I'm on Band 2 with Lumia 830, WP 8.1 Update 2.

I tried alle the steps read elsewhere with turning notifications on an off in the notification center with no effect. I have three accounts on my Lumia:

?Exchange account 1
?Exchange account 2 (different organization)

Reading several posts I understood, that syncing all emails of all accounts configured on my Windows Phone to the Band 2 should be standard behaviour, right?

That ist the only thing that ist not working in my Band 2. Appointments of all accounts are being synced for example, that's another confusing thing for me.

Here's what I've done so far:
?Bluetooth --> checked
?Correct Pairing --> checked
?Latest Updates --> checked
?Checked notification Setting on my WP --> done
?Rechecked notification settings on my WP --> done
?Checked Setting for the tiles in the Health app --> done
?Set language to Englisch --> done
?Deleted and reinstalled Health app --> done
?Factory reset of the Band 2 --> done
?Repairing and re-registering the BAND 2 with the app --> done

Still just syncing one account, not the two Exchange-accounts.

Is this a bug or am I just not finding the right button... :sweaty:
Re: syncing only one of three email accounts

My issue is the band showing my steps and calories way off. Midday I'm at 2496 steps and 1313 calories burned. I'm sitting at my desk today. Same goes when it syncs to the app. I don't wear it at night, so maybe that's why? It should adjust for the date, so I'm not sure what the problem is. The calorie count seems to be high as well. P90x registered at about 780 calories for 52 minutes.
Re: syncing only one of three email accounts

I don't wear it at night, so maybe that's why? It should adjust for the date,

It should be using Midnight to Midnight for a day's tracking. Irrespective of your schedule.
Re: syncing only one of three email accounts

My issue is the band showing my steps and calories way off. Midday I'm at 2496 steps and 1313 calories burned. I'm sitting at my desk today. Same goes when it syncs to the app. I don't wear it at night, so maybe that's why? It should adjust for the date, so I'm not sure what the problem is. The calorie count seems to be high as well. P90x registered at about 780 calories for 52 minutes.

Definitely something up with that. If anything, I find the Band 2 to be more conservative with steps than Band 1 was. Hmm, do you have 'motion sense' (I think that's what they call it) set up to bring step tracking in from your phone? I've heard of that causing problems and inflating step counts. If that's not it, then you might consider trying un-registering and re-registering the Band, sort of a 'factory reset'. After that I think I'd be calling customer support to get a replacement, or a visit to the MS store if you have one nearby.
The pace readout in running mode doesn't work as I expected it to. I thought it would be an average pace since your last split, but it's actually a real time readout of your current pace. This is fine, except for the fact that it's not averaged out, say, over the last few seconds and fluctuates so wildly it's almost useless.
If I glance at my wrist for a few seconds it will jump from a 10 minute pace to a sub 7 minute pace. This leads me to believe even when using the GPS it's not actually using the current GPS data in determining pace. I bet because of battery/processing constraints it's using stride length and the gyros to get your pace. Kind of bummed out by this... thoughts?
I have a Band 2 and using it with a Lumia 1520, with the latest build of Windows Mobile 10, what kind of problems are you experiencing.
My band 2 doesn't sync with the desktop app after I updated the software. Am not sure if it was syncing before then since i hardly ever use the app, but decided to check it out to see what the update might be. I am using W10 and the computer accurately recognizes the band 2 as being connected, but the desktop sync app keeps asking me to connect the band.

I have the same problem. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the desktop program. I have tried connecting it to both PC and Surface Pro 3, both using Windows 10. The Band is listed as a connected device but the Microsoft Band app doesn't list it as connected. The Band 2 connects to my Android phone perfectly via Bluetooth and otherwise the Band 2 is working perfectly.
I really like the Smart Alarm feature in sleep mode. It would be better if you could set it for weekdays only.
So I did a few experiments with regards to the HR monitoring:
On Saturday I did a 10 mile run with the Band on my left wrist (sync'd with my wife's phone), and the Band 2 on my right wrist, to compare HR for the run. The HR for the Band was what I expected (around 165 and constant), while the HR with the Band 2 was higher and climbing. Again, the workout was shown as "Strenuous" on the Band 2 (never had a "Strenuous" until Band 2), while the Band was "Highly Improving".
Last night I wore the Band 2 on the outside of my wrist for a 5 mile run. Below you can see the comparison between a run a few days ago with the Band 2 on the inside of my wrist (same distance), and last night's run with regards to HR. Last nights HR with the Band 2 on the outside of my wrist was what I would expect.
Conclusion: Once HR is elevated, the Band 2 worn on the inside wrist does not measure HR correctly. Keep in mind that they moved the HR sensor from behind the clasp, to behind the display. So with the HR sensor on the outside of my wrist rather than the inside with the Band 2, it seems to be measuring correctly. Someone had mentioned that perhaps the pulse through the veins when worn on the inside means that the HR sensor is thrown off. This seems to be the case. I will run with the Band 2 display (and therefore HR sensor) worn on the outside of my wrist from now on.

Band 2 worn on inside 5-mile run, followed by Band 2 worn on outside 5-mile run below:


So I did a few experiments with regards to the HR monitoring:
On Saturday I did a 10 mile run with the Band on my left wrist (sync'd with my wife's phone), and the Band 2 on my right wrist, to compare HR for the run. The HR for the Band was what I expected (around 165 and constant), while the HR with the Band 2 was higher and climbing. Again, the workout was shown as "Strenuous" on the Band 2 (never had a "Strenuous" until Band 2), while the Band was "Highly Improving".
Last night I wore the Band 2 on the outside of my wrist for a 5 mile run. Below you can see the comparison between a run a few days ago with the Band 2 on the inside of my wrist (same distance), and last night's run with regards to HR. Last nights HR with the Band 2 on the outside of my wrist was what I would expect.
Conclusion: Once HR is elevated, the Band 2 worn on the inside wrist does not measure HR correctly. Keep in mind that they moved the HR sensor from behind the clasp, to behind the display. So with the HR sensor on the outside of my wrist rather than the inside with the Band 2, it seems to be measuring correctly. Someone had mentioned that perhaps the pulse through the veins when worn on the inside means that the HR sensor is thrown off. This seems to be the case. I will run with the Band 2 display (and therefore HR sensor) worn on the outside of my wrist from now on.

Band 2 worn on inside 5-mile run, followed by Band 2 worn on outside 5-mile run below:

View attachment 116015

View attachment 116016

Thanks for the update. I have posted my most recent analysis on the HR issue I am having in a new post. I got better results today and have not posted them as of yet. I will try it on the outside of the wrist tomorrow and see how it compares. I have tried it once but not for an extended time or complete fitness activity.
I'm experiencing a fare share of bugs on the latest build of Windows 10 Mobile (Icon) with my Band 2.
First, Cortana rarely works. Most of the time I get the following message: Thinking... Just A Sec... Make sure Bluetooth is on and your phone is close by. This happens for using the Cortana button as well as answering texts via Cortana.
Second, Notifications tend to be buggy. I'll get notifications duplicated anywhere from twice to 4 times.
Lastly, and this is quite rare, when trying to answer a text using the keyboard, it will freeze trying to connect and require a restart.
I assume these bugs are W10M related, as my band was updated to the latest software/firmware during setup.
After about 2 weeks, my band 2 developed a defect where it always thinks it is plugged in. The first screen to come up is the screen you get when it is plugged in, when you swipe right it shows the plugged in icon. Battery life declined to about 4-5 hours. I use a Lumia 920. Took it to the Microsoft store, they tried a reset. It didn't work. It will be replaced when they get more units in stock in my size.
I am on the newest insider build.

My phone and band keep losing the BT connection, to the point i have to restart both devices for it to work again, am i alone?

and for some reason, i can access workouts on either website nor app. (but this might be a Microsoft side thing)
I am on the newest insider build.

My phone and band keep losing the BT connection, to the point i have to restart both devices for it to work again, am i alone?

and for some reason, i can access workouts on either website nor app. (but this might be a Microsoft side thing)

The BT connection issue has been an ongoing problem for me on Band 1 & 2 with Win10 on my L830. Restarting my phone corrects the Bluetooth connectivity issue.

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