Band 2 Bugs + Defects

If you Sync to PC using the Sync App (1.3.11016.1),
You destroy the ability of MS Health on the phone to
Auto create sleep graphs for the previous night.

Seem you have to remember to sync with Phones Microsoft Health app NOT the
PC Band Sync if you care about this :?(

UPDATE!!! seems I was wrong data is either being crunched on MS servers and is slow or you have to wait till after 12:00am to see your sleep data for the previous night
Either way weird :)
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I pre-ordered my band and got it on the initial release date of Friday October 30. The band was amazing and did everything as promised other than the battery life. I found not using the GPS helps however with the GPS on from 100% charge at the starting line it is not capable of finishing a marathon which is only 4 hours. Without the GPS off 24 -36 hours is about the norm which is acceptable.
The real bugs and problems started today (concerning considering the device is less than 1 month old). I had charged the band to 100% this morning then noticed after lunch that it was dead. After plugging in I received a message to set the time and date as the battery had died when doing so I found the following 2 bugs:
1. the band dies immediately when removed from the charger and will not show a battery % when plugged in
2. the 2 buttons do not work at all (even when plugged in) although the touch screen still does work.

I am taking it back to the Microsoft store today but I do have to say regardless out outcome I will never be able to rely on my band again as my primary alarm as I had in the past.. Further I will not feel comfortable promoting the band and pushing all my friends to get one as I had in the past given the severity of the bugs encountered.
The battery problem you describe is a common complaint throughout this forum. I quote from another post:

Unfortunately, it would appear to be the same problem in this thread:
Why has my Band 2 stopped turning on?

If partiallypro is right, it would seem to be a hardware fault in the battery housing. He said that if he squeezed the battery housing and strap, the Band would turn on but then all it took was a slight touch for it to switch off.

I hope that it isn't a design fault that cannot be overcome, it may just be a bad batch.

The only consolation is that since it is under warranty, you'll be able to get it exchanged.

Seems to be an ongoing thing.
Anyone else having a problem with the Smart Alarm feature? I had to turn it off. It kept changing itself from AM to PM.
OMG! :'(

my band suddenly got discolored pixels. a small circle of about 1mm in radius in the middle of the screen.

and i don't live in the US to send it to a Microsoft store, so i just have to deal with it :'(
My band has stopped automatically logging sleep now for 2 days

I am sure if I reset to factory it would start again for a while but I've lost the will to live :?)
Two issues:

1) I went through airport security yesterday. I took my fully charged Band 2 off and it went through the TSA xray machine. I put it back on as soon as I was through security. About 15 minutes later, the band got uncomfortably hot. Hot enough that I had to take it off. I checked and the battery was nearly dead. I turned it off, let it cool for a few minutes, and started re-charging it. All fine since then. I don't know if the xray machine caused the issue, or if it's a coincidence, but I'm betting on the xray causing the issue, perhaps overloading a sensor? I may re-test this on my return flight, but I may turn it off prior to xray out of fear of doing permanent damage. Anyone else had issues (or not) going through airport xray?

2) As others have reported, the weather app keeps reverting to Redmond WA as my location. I have to uninstall and re-install the app to fix it, but it quickly reverts to Redmond again. I'm on iOS 9.1.
Update: immediately after posting the above, my phone notified me that a new version of the Health app was available. I've updated the app, and my Band 2 correctly kept my weather location through two sync cycles. Maybe this bug is fixed now?

My band 2 went 4 times through xray so far and no problems at all.
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Anyone else seeing their settings changing after being on the charger for awhile? Every time I leave mine on the charge for an extended period of time (more than a few hours), I find a lot of random settings being changed.
When my Lumia 950XL is connected to a bluetooth speaker or headphones I am unable to change the track or adjust the volume using my Band 2, it just sits there saying "Connecting...".
Don't know if I would classify this as a bug but emoji's don't display on the band as they did in Band 1. You would think the newer version wouldn't deprecate a nice feature.
For what it's worth, I'm returning mine... Here's my two cents:
4. Sleep tracking is useless. I know I'm biased after Basis amazing sleep analysis, but I tried other trackers too: Up, Charge, Shine, Wellograph, Vivoactive, Vivosmart. Band 1 was hardly any good showing I was awake in the middle of the night when I clearly wasn't. Band 2 didn't improve situation at all. According to it, I spend hours at night wide awake (and have no recollection of it afterwards! Neither does my wife though). My "restful sleep" that was paltry 1.5 hours according to Band 1 went down to 20 minutes if at all. If we were to believe Band 2, I'm a stressed out insomniac with little or no restful sleep on a verge of a manic attack.

I am having the same issue with the sleep tracking. Is this not a common issue then?
Ive noticed that sometimes it shows names for incoming calls and sometimes it shows just the phone number, even if I have the number in my contacts.
Biggest issue I've had on the 950 (.29 build) is that none of my notifications will sync other than email. No Facebook, Cortana, texts, etc. Gone through every setting I could think of and hard reset the phone and Band both. Also toggled bluetooth on both and still nothing. Any suggestions?
Just got my band 2 on 12/23. Before this was using Fitbit charge hr. My husband used the band 2 and decided to gift all in our family. The flights of stairs climbed is not being counted. I have not been holding onto the railing nor have I been carrying anything -still the stairs climbed are showing as zero and the heart rate monitor is not accurate either.

My Fitbit charge hr counts flights of stairs either carrying objects or holding onto a railing when climbing.

Since 3 days my band looses around 60% during the night... airplane on and manually started sleep tracking... 1 hour of running with gps around 45%. Charging takes some hours...
Biggest issue I've had on the 950 (.29 build) is that none of my notifications will sync other than email. No Facebook, Cortana, texts, etc. Gone through every setting I could think of and hard reset the phone and Band both. Also toggled bluetooth on both and still nothing. Any suggestions?
Have the same issue. Also agree it worked before the .29 update. Using band2 with 1520

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