Band 2 Bugs + Defects

I think it would be no need to add another setting. Better to make the general setting off watch to apply if I choose to turn off the screen during work out: if I use rotate, then the watch would appear when I rotate. If I choose always on, the watch would be always on and during work out.. If watch is off, during work out switching of screen the screen is simply off (as it is already now). So only rotate part should be implemented/added to current setup...
I have a Band 2 and I'm using a Windows Phone running on Denim.

After the last update, my Band 2 has started discharging the battery almost twice as fast as it used to... and for no reason that I can see.

I keep Bluetooth off (problems with VIP on emails not working; I kept getting notified of ALL emails) on both Band 2 and Phone and only connect using Bluetooth in the morning or night when I need to sync data.

What's going on and what should I do?
Is any one getting extremely high numbers of flights of stairs climbed?? This Band 2 is showing 60 to 140 flights of stairs climbed a day and I have not climbed a flight of stairs in years I live in Fl all single story homes and I am 70yrs old very rarely I go to the mall and use an escalator. Hope others are having this problem may be we can get it fixed in a software update.
I am 70 yrs old live in Florida and have no stairs in my house. I have had my Band2 for a few months now and it seems to record between 150 and 250 stairs every day I have recorded well over 4000 stairs. I don't work, barely go out of the house, what in the world could be causing this and how can I get this resolved should be showing 0 stairs except occasionally a stair climb at the mall.

any help appreciated
Unfortunately my Band has cracked... again. This is actually the 3rd time I've had one do it and it's pretty disheartening. Basically you can never ever place it on any surface other than exactly flat or it'll separate the strap.

I'm sure I'll get it replaced by the store again, but this will have been the 3rd time I've had it replaced and it's getting downright embarrassing. Don't get me wrong, the people in the store have been great, but it's really kind of weird that they recognize me by sight now.
Help, I'm having issues with GPS locking, any suggestions before sending it to be repaired, I've tried syncing with phone before trying to get a lock and I've also tried factory reset.

Has anyone had issues with the main button? Over the weekend, it went "squishy" on me - meaning that it doesn't really click when I press it. Still works, but doesn't have the same click as the action button when pressed. My gut tells me that it's just a matter of time before it stops working, but I doubt I can exchange it out because it "feels" weird.
Got latest Fast Ring build 14283 the other day. It was a long download/install on my 950XL but seems to be good so far.

Except when it comes to re-pairing the Band 2.

Band 2 lost connection to Health app I think after the update. Tried hard resetting the Band. Ensured Band was removed as a recognized Bluetooth device in WP settings. When pairing the Band says it was successful but Health app says there was an error. I also uninstalled/reinstalled Health a couple of times but no luck.

I think I tried everything but I do not plan to reset WP because it's a freakin' hassle :confused:

Ideas? Anyone else have an issue now with Insider/Band2?

I'm having same issues with my Band 2 after getting Preview 15024. It says band is paired, but when I launch MS Health, it keeps trying to pair with device and doesn't see it. So band is useless at this point. I've tried hard reset of band, removed band from app, uninstalled app. None of that worked. Really liked how the band worked when had it on 8.1.
I'm having same issues with my Band 2 after getting Preview 15024. It says band is paired, but when I launch MS Health, it keeps trying to pair with device and doesn't see it. So band is useless at this point. I've tried hard reset of band, removed band from app, uninstalled app. None of that worked. Really liked how the band worked when had it on 8.1.

Choosing a different language (English UK, Canada, or US for example) resolved the issue. This was a tip mentioned by others here. I'm on latest Fast Ring.
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Choosing a different language (English UK, Canada, or US for example) resolved the issue. This was a tip mentioned by others here. I'm on latest Fast Ring.

My Band just has English. No choices. I did update my OS, but that didn't solve the problem either. So hoping a MS Health app will pop up here soon.
Has anyone had issues with the main button? Over the weekend, it went "squishy" on me - meaning that it doesn't really click when I press it. Still works, but doesn't have the same click as the action button when pressed. My gut tells me that it's just a matter of time before it stops working, but I doubt I can exchange it out because it "feels" weird.
Try Purell on the button. Mine was gunky and cleaning it made it work again
Quite disappointing that they don't fix the bluetooth audio bug (the music remote doesn't work when you're listening using an external bluetooth speaker).
Now that you have it synced you can go back to your language of preference without issue. Glad it worked for you!

I've got my second MS Band 2 nearly 2 weeks ago and unfortunately it seems to be not working correctly. I replaced my first Band 2 after 1 week because its battery life was terrible (charged 100% in before going to bad, sleep tracking, morning workout tracking 1.5h and it was dead short after that), charging took very long (1,5h to 80%, 2h to 99%, 4h to 100%) and HR sensor was defective (always in acquiring mode) and inaccurate.

I've done some tests of my second Band 2. The battery life is ok now but here are some serious bugs I've found:

1) HR sensor seems to be defective again. When I randomly turn the screen on it's almost always in acquiring mode (empty heart icon). I've noticed that only after I put it on my wrist it goes from acquiring to locked (full heart icon) but after a short while it's in acquiring again. When I'm tracking an exercise (bike ride, workout, etc.) it's locked for a while and then it goes to acquiring and so on. And it's really inaccurate.

2) HR sensor is inaccurate. When I don't track any exercise it barely goes higher than normal even though I'm actually doing an exercise! And when I have a lazy day at work and I turn on exercise tracking for a whole day it shows some very high calories burning! Here are some proofs:
This is how my normal workout day looks like. I wear my Band 2 and when I work out I turn on workout tracking (Strength).
1 workout day.png

This is how my non-workout day look like. I didn't track any exercise. On this particular day I woke up, took a bike to work (10 min), worked for 8h, took a bike home (10 min) and played my console. Notice that the band didn't register any extra calorie burning and elevated heart rate when I was riding a bike!
2 nonworkout day.png

This is how it registers a bike ride when I actually turn on bike tracking.
3 nonworkout day bike on.png

This is my workout day. The time of the workout was exactly the same as on my first screenshot. This time I didn't turn on any tracking. The Band 2 was just on my wrist the whole day. Notice that the Band 2 registered very minimal extra calorie burning.
4 workout day no tracking.png

This time I woke up, charged the device, immediately started the workout tracking app and turned the screen off so it can last the whole day. During the day I had a football game but notice how different was the calorie counting comparing to when the Band 2 is on idle.
5 football game all day tracking.png

This time I also woke up and started the workout tracking app right away. Than I was driving a car for nearly 8h (over 600 km). The band registered some very unusual calorie burning and it also registered a lot of steps I didn't even do!
6 car ride all day tracking.png

This is the next day. The Band 2 was idle for the whole day. I was driving for 3 hours and I was on my friend's wedding in the evening (so a lot of dancing). Look how much different it is!
7 car ride wedding day.png

In this test Band 2 on idle. I was driving a car for 8h (over 600 km, the same route as before, I was going back). Look how much different it is.
8 car ride no tracking.png

As you can see, the HR monitoring and calorie burning is totally unreliable.

3) Facebook Messenger app is sending unnecessary notifications. When I'm using my phone and I open a chat on Facebook Messenger, my Band 2 is vibrating and displays the following notification "Chat heads active". When I receive a message it vibrates but instead of displaying the message it displays "Chat heads active". As far as I remember such problem didn't occur on my previous Band 2 (the one I replaced with my current one) so now I'm not sure it's because my current Band 2 is defective or is it because of some software update that came in the meantime.

4) Floor counting is not working properly. E.g. I took 3 floors and it counted only 1.

So these are the bugs that occurs to me. Bug number 2) makes the Band 2 totally unusable for me as proper HR monitoring and calories counting was the reason I bought this device in the first place. My questions is: should I try to replace the device one more time because it should work the other way or is it just the way it works?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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