Band 2 Bugs + Defects

Get the charging cradle to help with charging and hook it up to puter, put the health program on the puter. Then the phone and puter work seamlessly together and you charge the band and you get all updates automatically when hooked to the puter charging.
Have had my Band 2 for two months. Since the last update all of the "4s" display with the bottom of the number centered. The number now looks like a triangle balanced on a pole. Anyone else have this problem with their display?

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I have had my band2 for almost a year with Lumia 735 everything used to work now Cortana will not work since an update. I have tried all the tricks others have used to get theirs working again, but no luck for me.
I'm having this same problem. Trying to use Cortana from the Band or reply to text messages results in a message on the watch saying bluetooth is not connected. However, I do get Text Notifications and I am able to sync exercise data.

MS Health: 2.3.20621.0
Lumia Icon v 10.0.10586.420
Elevation tracking issues

Hi all! I got my B2 a few days ago, upgrading from a B1. I did my first bike ride yesterday and the elevation tracking was WAY off, showing as much as 108 meters - I live in Amsterdam where the highest point may be like 10-20 meters above sea level. However, the weather changed quite a lot for the duration of the ride (from heavy rain to almost sunny) and my GPS saver was on. Is it possible that with the GPS saver on, it uses the barometer, which is affected by weather changes?

Connected question: how can the barometer be used for elevation measurement when the weather changes (which, I guess, changes the barometric pressure)?

Thanks, Mike
Latest firmware update today and latest MS Health app update. Now when selecting tiles I see that Cortana is greyed out and therefore not available to select. Running 14372 and now 14376 on my 950XL DS. Anyone else have this happen?
Ok so chatted with band 2 support today and they went through all the stuff we have seen posted to try to remedy this issue. He then determined it has to be a hardware issue. He set me up to get my band 2 replaced today at Microsoft store. So I now have a new band that has the same problem. Lol oh well .
Since last week SYNC uploads to strava report a faulty time after running / walking.
Strava reports 17:22 as the time

While the MS Band 2 app shows 44:44
Since 3 updates back the RSS feeds fail to update properly.

I first received several times the same update on news and after that saw the news wasn't updated anymore at all.
I've now disabled the RSS tiles since they don't bring any added value when not updating.
Reinstalling them didn't do the trick.

I think the GPS save energy function might be responsible for this 'strange' effect.
I would be great if the watch would indeed "wake up" immediately in the "workout mode" instead of showing the time.
I mean when running you would generally want to see your stats and not per se the time (that is shown in the stat's anyway).

Note that I really like the Band 2 in favour of the Apple Watch
Since last week SYNC uploads to strava report a faulty time after running / walking.
Strava reports 17:22 as the time

While the MS Band 2 app shows 44:44

Can you show the graph of the run (e.g. the speed graph) to see where the extra time is coming from? Could it be that you forgot to turn the tracking off after the run and the Strava cut off the idle time, whereas MS Health didn't?
25/6 MS Health android app update did not fix phone (Sony Z3c Kitkat 4.4.4) not tracking/syncing the steps while not wearing the band. Reverted back to 1.3.20525.2 firmware which works.
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Sorry for my late reply.
Concerning the time in the GPS energy saving mode.
I've recorded two sessions in the power save mode that had the same issue.
I definitely stopped my session both times.

My guess is the GPS energy save mode polls only 1/3rd of the time and to MS Band APP fills in the dots with an average between the "polls".
I'm pretty sure this is a software issue.

I've disables the power save mode since and no issues what so ever on that part.
Well a month ago my Band 2 refused to update. Last night it refused to charge on its stand or charging cable. It showed 50% on its meter. After wiggling the strap it finally charged 96%. This charging thing has become a pain. There is no corrosion on the pins or cable. So on the surface it was better than the first Band 1 but ends up less reliable as Band 2 is failing quicker than Band One did. Band 1 needed constant cleaning on its surface while Band 2 fails inside the strap. Ultimately the product for me is just another Microsoft piece of expensive crap.
Band 2 is still troublesome to charge and will not sync with the puter to receive its updates, acts like it has lost its USB capability that way. The Battery charge thing I believe is due to sweat getting into the battery area and as it dries it charges better in a more reliable way. Still it doesn't seem to have the anti moisture thing very well and if you can't wear/use it in a very physical/nasty nature what good is it long term. None ! So I am extremely displeased at this time, not with its features and wear-ability (comfort wise) but with its short falls which seem to be disastrously junky. I seriously can't consider Band 3 at this time and probably will research other bands to replace this one soon. My needs are health and messaging ability and I will sorely miss the messaging to my wrist.

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