Ok, things are still good after the factory reset, and NO restore from previous image. I have all the current patches finally installed and all my previous (and then some) apps reinstalled. Also all the background apps are allowed to run freely. No more are the high discharge rates with the phone in standby.
I've been able to go a full day with serious usage (Web browsing, Music, phone calls, etc.) without having to recharge mid way through. Although playing Angry Birds is what I've found to suck the most power now. Fortunately I don't play it that much, just when I'm really bored and have caught up on all my browsing
I still haven't turned on Glance or double tap to wake though. I don't find Glance that useful, but I do miss the double tap to wake. I might turn that back on eventually, as I really do appreciate that feature.
I have a feeling that in the restore images there was a registry setting that just wasn't compatible with the new version. Sadly I can't really confirm this, since there isn't away to delve into the registry or anything else for that matter. But that's life.