Battery life with WP 8.1

These battery issues are firmware issues. Same with the color issues on some Lumias. We saw this with Mango. It'll be fixed once you receive device specific firmware. This isn't anything new lol, this happens on all electronics.
Uhhh no. It's cortana. I even spoke to a friend of a buddy of mine who works at MS this morning and he told me that the beta version of Cortana is constantly trying to learn phone habits and it's killing the battery. It's beta, so it's "allowed". Simply turn it off and phone is back. Maybe if you actually read this thread, most of us didn't have anything running in the background, and when we shut it off, back to normal. But that's too easy for a know it all I guess.

I've had it off from the beginning (and it's still off.) and the battery is still draining.
Cortana has used the least amount of battery from all of my core apps, she currently ranks #19 on my battery usage list, & boy, have I used her. It isn't Cortana, at least not entirely. This is the SAME THING that happened when we all got Mango early. Same conspiracy theories, & back then, Bing just added two features, not Cortana.
After finding where they hid the "Turn off Background" settings my battery life has been pretty much the same as before. Of course I do use more battery because I'm constantly trying to get Cortana to fall in love with me but other than that...its the same. One day she'll come day...
I tried Cortana for an hour and she is really fun to be with. Unfortunately, I must turn on "Location Service" for Cortana to work. So I uninstalled her by changing region again. Location Service + Cortana = Battery Drain.
I think I may have an idea what is going on here. From what I have heard, the biggest thing that is taking away from the battery here is cortana. But why? I don't know if you guys noticed, but within the first day or two of using her, she asks you "is this your home?" and "is this where you work?". How did she know where you were? Fortuna CONSTANLTLY pings the GPS when you first set her up. I think Cortland is by far the biggest thing that is killing all of our batteries. So what is the solution? I think the best thing to do is to give it a few days. I think that when she finally gets the idea, she will calm down and stop pinging the GPS so much once she knows what your routine looks like. Let me know what you guys think of this.

hey bud, how did you get cortana to ask ("is this your home?" and "is this where you work?" How did she know where you were?)
According to the battery app I use, I'm still getting the 2-4%/hour drain I got preupdate. No difference for me aside that I've been playing with it a lot more recently because of the update. So that might explain why I barely get a day's worth out of it.
terrible. I used to get at least 1.5 days out of it. now it die after 8 hours.
why the hell are messaging and people apps drain so much??
Update on my Lumia 1520: So I completed a full day today. Off the charger at 6AM, fairly normal day of use (including push email), didn't touch a charger all day. Now it's 11PM and I'm at 45%. That seems right about on track with what I was getting before the update.
Mine battery life is same as of during wp8 time.
But now it takes too much time to charge battery.

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terrible. I used to get at least 1.5 days out of it. now it die after 8 hours.
why the hell are messaging and people apps drain so much??
View attachment 62874

Click on it and you will find what it means.

There are two lines, one for the app in the background and another one for foreground usage. If you have used the messaging app a lot, it will eat more battery, but only on the foreground usage, not the background.
I'm having good battery life. Unplugged phone last evening at 10:00 pm and woke up today at 07:00 am and the battery was still at 100%
Don't have Cortana activated...

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk for wp
I'm actually getting better battery life on my Icon. Remember to go into battery saver and stop non-essential apps from running in the bg. Facebook has always been the biggest offender for me.
It only drains faster for me because I'm constantly fiddling with my phone with WP8.1 all day long. I'll use my phone like normal tomorrow and see if the battery life has changed either for the better or for the worst.
The first thing that I did after installing the wp8.1 update is to turn off all the non-essential apps (Here Drive, Here Maps, Music, Food & Drink[Bing], City Lens, Wikipedia). Even after turning all of these off it still showed a significant battery drain so much so that if I charge it from my laptop or computer, the battery would still go down. Which led me to turn the battery saver mode on at all times. Doing that made me sure that it was the background tasks that led to the battery drain which is kind of obvious I'm sure. {I will mention what services do I have turned on and everything at the end of this post.} After I turned the battery saver on at all times I noticed that the battery was falling about 5-10 % every hour. Which was good news. So I forced a few apps to run in the background even under battery saver mode(which I necessarily need to run in the background; like whatsapp and 6tag) using the neat option there is under battery saver settings. The fall in battery has increased to more like 4-5 percent every 20 minutes which leads me to my suggestion to whoever is seeing a battery drain. Turn on the battery saver mode and only force those apps which you suspect might be the culprits. if you have the time and are patient enough do it one app at a time. Once you do that you might end up with a list of apps which are eating up your battery like NomNom eats candy.

I do not have Cortana enabled nor do I have location turned on. I turned back to my region *India* and still had the serious battery drain. All of the things I wrote above happened while I had my region to India and location turned off. advertising id is also off..

And once you do get the list of apps, the admin can create a sticky post on top of this thread to help the community out. Just a suggestion. Great going with wp8.1 Microsoft. Now let's refine the experience till we get the final build :D

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