I just tried to set up my new Lumia and everything went fine, but I get error 86000C0A. I was able to add a separate outlook account but id like the built in version to work. Any solutions? Looked around and couldn't find anything :/
I had the same problem, my error code read 86000C0A. I did what the SMS backup thread suggested and it worked! Go to Settings>Applications>Messaging>Text message backup>Off.
Interestingly enough, I used microsoft tech support chat for windows phone last night and got to the point that they needed to escalate my case. However, since i emptied my Trash items within my hotmail/outlook account and stopped Trash from being sync, this error has gone.
Might be worth trying if you guys can, if you still get the error whilst trying to de-sync the foler keep trying.
On a side note, i did use a number of server addresses and used them (cycled through them) which Ill tell you here:
Oh god thank you. tried several variations of server name and it finally started to work with SMS backup turned ON. Funny is that after this it automatically set up the same server as that original one, but this time it started to work by some miracle.