BBM for windows phone anytime soon?


New member
Oct 7, 2012
With the announcement that BBM will be available this weekend like a cross platform (not at all) it maybe exist a reason why do they just don't launch in all platform? including WP or this is something intentional?
I'm just curious!
Can't see it myself.

All of the BBM For All announcements refer exclusively to iPhone & Android. So, not really "BBM For All" but "BBM For Most But Not WP"
no need for BBM since there is whatsapp and a ton load of other cross plat apps.
Funny how they will release this for iOS & Android, but not for WP8.

The truth is, that they are mad 'cause Windows took their 3rd spot. Screw 'em. Hope their sinking ship sinks faster
Funny how they will release this for iOS & Android, but not for WP8.

The truth is, that they are mad 'cause Windows took their 3rd spot. Screw 'em. Hope their sinking ship sinks faster

Let's be realistic here, Android + iOS = majority share of the mobile market. With as much problems BB is having, it makes little sense for them to waste money and resources on adding in WP when it accounts for such a small share. It's like them saying they will add support for the Palm Pre..
Yea but they've pretty much ruined themselves already by releasing BBM on other platforms...most of the ppl I know only bought BlackBerry for what's the problem with releasing it for one more platform
Yea but they've pretty much ruined themselves already by releasing BBM on other platforms...most of the ppl I know only bought BlackBerry for what's the problem with releasing it for one more platform

They are anyway not going to make any more devices for consumers .. (only for prosumers whatever that means) .. So getting BBM on to other platforms is an awesome idea and will ensure their software is used by millions of Android and iOS users. I don't think people buy Blackberry for BBM nowadays, but I might be wrong.
I hope they make a WP App, but I'm not counting on it. BBM is awesome. If you've used BBM in the last couple years, you know its one of the best, if not THE best, messaging app available. It kinda pains me to see people be so fanboyish that they don't care about this kind of stuff. We need quality apps, its that simple. Regardless if you can get by without BBM or not.
Never got into BBM because everytime I would switch a device my BBM would change.

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Most ppl buy bb for bbm...I mean look at any bb device and compare with an android or wp device in that range..they are usually better...and also I wonder how bb profits from this..because bbm is free

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Yes that sucks..they should link your pin to your blackberry ID or that it doesn't change when you change your phone

Sent from my Nexus 7 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
Most ppl buy bb for bbm...I mean look at any bb device and compare with an android or wp device in that range..they are usually better...and also I wonder how bb profits from this..because bbm is free

Sent from my Nexus 7 using WPCentral Forums mobile app

BBM on many platforms I am sure we'll see many trying it out. I already see a few BB pins being thrown around.

Regarding the revenue .. research about BBM Channels for Celebs and Businesses you'll understand how they expect to make money.
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Microsoft should just take over BlackBerry

Nobody wants to buy a company that 100% will lose and has no future except 1 person. I'm sure he is not interested to buy it either.

Huawei denied any rumors linking it to BB deal and they have too much money. If the want to pay $5 billions for BB it's like paying $5 only.
I feel left out.

"Windows Phone, the only platform without BBM."

Windows Phone and Blackberry users were left out when a developer only uploads an application on iOS and Android.

I won't hesitate to get myself a Q10 if Windows Phone 8.1 wasn't as expected. RIM is faster than Microsoft in releasing updates and that's what I want. << this is relevant because I see more potential in Windows Phone if all the current issues got fixed.

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