BEST Browser for the Redfly - what are you using?

But for me its still opera 8.65.

I actually liked Opera 8.65 for a while, but somewhere along the line, the page up/down functions stopped working for me. It made it really slow. It irritated me to the point that I thought to myself that maybe I just need a new cell phone.:) and so, I went to trusty old ebay and bought a used HTC Advantage to see how Redfly would work with that.

cloudrs, from your posts, you have an HTC Advantage, correct? It seems like you're enjoying using your Redfly using it, so I decided to give it a try. When I first saw pictures of the HTC Advantage, it sure looked awfully big compared to other cell phones, but now, I think that is a positive, instead of a negative, plus the fastest processor (or at least until those snapdragons come out).
Hello All, Well I kind of fibbed as I did not update the lead post last nite. But I have put some time intothe Iris browser ( I am on it now ). So far it is very nice other than some odd keyboard issues. It has the ability to map all kinds of keyboard shortcuts for everything from zoom settings to reload, but I cannot get them to work on my Touch Pro or my Redfly. Also, when typing (like now) certain keys, especially space and shift, cause odd scrolling issues. If these are not limited to me, then they my be a deal breaker. Other than that it loads fast, renders well and I like it. I am using the FNup and FNdown combos for scrolling and have gotten used to the whole double click to zoom and long click to select thing. Not sure that this is going to make anyone any happier than what is already out there, but I will let you all know.
cloudrs, from your posts, you have an HTC Advantage, correct? It seems like you're enjoying using your Redfly using it, so I decided to give it a try. When I first saw pictures of the HTC Advantage, it sure looked awfully big compared to other cell phones, but now, I think that is a positive, instead of a negative, plus the fastest processor (or at least until those snapdragons come out).

At the risk of hyjacking the thread--yes the htc advantage is big. Maybe too big for a phone but not so much for a multimedia device. The truth is thaat most of the time I have my advantage plugged in somewhere (coatpocket at work and bedstand at home) and I connect via bluetooth with my redfly anyway. So I wouldn't mind smaller (but not at the expense of faster and maybe I'll upgrade from the c8 and have use for the advantages video out capabilities in the future. If you want to trade info on the advantage--your setup, mine, what kind of advantage you have, etc. We could start our own thread or post in 'the advantage working fine thread'. No guarantees of course but I usually look at the latest today and yesterday celio threads on this forum. --and I hope you enjoy your advantage. :)
Hello All, Well I kind of fibbed as I did not update the lead post last nite.

mknollman, I wouldn't even know how to update a lead post. (Maybe i'm a little slow.). But this has been a nice thread. Browser is a big part of the Internet process (apple got that, microsoft is still struggling with the concept). So its been nice to see other people's views an the browser redfly combo. Good job with the thread.
Well, I keep trying other browsers and making myself learn their interface idiosyncrocies, but I keep returning to Opera Mobile ( on it now ). I see Iris as very promising, but still definitely a glorified beta and definitely a 1.0 product. With some revisions, it could be nice. Bolt is far from ready, and the others are dicussed above.

I really do intend to update the lead post soon, but things have been busy. Keep on posting, the info is good.
After using the current version of Iris (1.1.3 I think), its definately a good idea for me to do a soft reset as after using Iris my phone becomes unstable. I'll click on a program and I'll get stuck in the search pattern.
Browser is a big part of the Internet process (apple got that, microsoft is still struggling with the concept). So its been nice to see other people's views an the browser redfly combo. Good job with the thread.

I agree. Great thread. But I think I'm the one whose mileage has varied. :-)

On standalone phone, Skyfire & Opera mini tie, IE second. On Redfly, Iris & Opera mini tie, IE second. I've used Opera 8 & 9, both on PC & phone -- they do things differently enough that I wasn't impressed enough with the results to keep them. Never tried netfront. Bolt is functional on standalone phone, navigational nightmare on Redfly -- using finger or stylus works on the phone, mouse or trackpad on Redfly are counter to useful (page moves opposite to the pointer).

I think I like IE as much as I do because functioning is familiar. So, I can do things quickly or do more complex navigation more easily. No learning curve necessary.
One browser not mentioned yet is IE 7 (Could just as easily be Firefox 3.06). I took an old P4 running XP Pro that we had retired and optimized IE 7 for the Redfly by removing the toolbars and status bars and hiding the menu bar to maximize the browser itself. This computer has no monitor connected and sits in a closet. I edited the Remote Desktop port and forwarded that port to the machine. Very good for text and image - not so great for video. It also runs QuickBooks.

For onboard browsing I use Opera mini as default, Skyfire for multimedia and Opera beta.
I preferred the sky fire browser is work great for me on the redfly and on the blackjack 2 it has been a great browser for me and I have no problem watching the YouTube videos. sky fire is cool check it out.
The main problem with using WinMob browsers on the RedFly is that they're too touchy. I want to use the browser zoomed-out, I want keyboard shortcuts, and I want scroll bars! So, I find myself using IE quite a lot. For heavier sites where IE stumbles, I'm increasingly using Iris. It's pretty rough around the edges, but it's getting better.
The main problem with using WinMob browsers on the RedFly is that they're too touchy. I want to use the browser zoomed-out, I want keyboard shortcuts, and I want scroll bars!

Amen, Brother! I also want my scroll wheel to work, but I probably wont ever get that.
Without going thru some wierd hackaround - just go to and choose the top choice (multiple certificates) - this allows it to show up as a "signed" version. I am not sure why this is not the preferred automatic download, but it is the best version by far.

I too love and still rely on Opera Mini. I really want Opera Mini to do cut-paste and also wish it didnt have to use those stupid 'enter text" boxes ( I am in one right now ). But overall, still the fastest and overall most usable browser. It also has VERY nice size changes that get you right at desktop type resolution and allows clicking links without zooming (seems to be a recurring issue - skyfire, opera mobile and iris)
Iris is now becoming my browser of choice, for anything that won't work well in IE. It's getting faster and more stable, retains zoom level (so I can work completely in "page width" zoom), no need to zoom in to select a link, and has good site compatibility. with clear type, you can view the full page width, and it's nicely readable on the Redfly's screen. You can now click-and-hold to get an option to open a link in another tab. (The delay is a little longer than you might expect, and lacks the WinMob ring of dots cue.) Text box entry still needs some work, but is... functional. Scroll bars disappear, but pgup and pgdn work.

If you haven't used Iris for a couple of versions, I recommend giving it a go.

WOW - you guys aren't lying, the new version of Iris is a giant leap in the right direction. If I get a chance, I will update the lead post the include this info. Thanks for the update, I had almost written Iris off.

I am going to keep messing with it, but I surfed on it for about 3 housr today during a PAINFUL class I am attending (taking notes on the RF ofcourse). It behaved very well. It cannot match Opera Mini for speed, but it does not use server-side rendering so this is to be expected. I noticed that once it had cookies for my favorite sites, it would load them almost as fast as my home PC - very impressive.

It has added a "fit to screen" zoom setting that seems as if it were made for the Redfly, and it fixes all above-mentioned issues with the pan and zoom controls. This view along with pgup and pgdown for scrolling is actually quite usable and comfortable. Still wish there was a way to toggle on scroll bars, but this works well as is.
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In addition to all the updates there is a new player in the browser game - UCWEB - horrible name but intriguing browser.

I just read about and installed it and at first glance it seems pretty nice. Similar to opera mini in speed and behavior but without the annoying java bed. It also adds some of the pined over but simple options that Mini lacks - tabs, some cut-paste, and a much more customizable interface. Best of all - they kept the scroll bars, but made them optional as we mentioned above - it is almost as though they read this thread.

I need to try it out a lot more before I add anything else here, but once I find the right settings to make things best for the Fly I will post them. Give it a shot and share what you think - IT IS FAST!!!
Note: This is not a Redfly Issue.

I just had a horrible experience with browsers. I was on vacation and trying to upload a photo from my phone to a forum (SMF). None of the browsers would let me do it in a normal manner.

Opera Mini: Wouldn't let me browse my device insisting I needed another version.

Opera 9.5(?): Just would not do it (don't recall exactly why).

Iris: The file browser wouldn't let me select my file. Add to that, it would not see my DCIM directory on my storage card. Had to put the file in the root. And it still would not let me pick it (every time I did, it would go blank).

PIE: WAP, no option to select upload picture.

UCWeb: would never connect

Minimo: Finally was able to upload the picture using Minimo even though it uses the same file browser as Iris. Still would not see my DCIM directory, but I had already copied the file to root).

Unless PIE7 is a lot better, I may have to forgo WinMob 6.5. Hopefully Celio will put out drivers for other devices soon (IPhone, Blackberry or Android).
Fennec: looks really cool. Pity it doesn't work. First time I ran it, I was able to view a couple of pages. Subsequent times, I was able to type in a url and watch nothing happen. It appears to work with the RF, but I only tried the RF the second time I ran Fennec, so I couldn't actually do anything.

What I could tell from the brief time it worked:

1. The UI is very dependent on touch and drag. You have to drag left and right to get tool bars to appear. The address bar is attached to the top of the page (not the top of the screen), so you have to drag the page down all the way before you can navigate.

2. Suitably for the RF, it seems to be fixed-zoomed to suit a width of 800 pixels. I couldn't figure out how to change the zoom.

3. No scroll bars (not even the kind Opera Mobile has, to indicate what part of the document you're looking at).

4. It seemed to need a very short tap on a link to navigate. Annoying if you've become used to Iris's need for a slightly lingering tap. Doesn't appear to be a tap-and-hold option.

5. Tabbed, but I couldn't figure out how to open a link in a new tab.

Didn't have chance to try anything complicated (like posting on a forum, for example).


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