BEST Browser for the Redfly - what are you using?

Quick update - check out Mach5 browser

Interesting combination of red flags. First you have to electronically agree that they have no responsibility if the 7 day trial version hoses your phone. Then they warn you that 1) it doesn't work on all WM phones (not telling you which ones have tested OK), 2) that it may not work right outside Hong Kong & 3) they offer QVGA & VGA versions, but after 1 & 2, I'm uncertain how they'd define each. Every once in awhile, somebody will decide my 320x320 Treo Pro is VGA, not QVGA, while the rest of the world thinks otherwise. And these guys don't seem to want to make that clear from the start. And their pricing is another interesting flag -- you can buy a 30 day, 90 day or 1 year subscription?!? A years use of going through their servers (free with most other server anchored browsers) for about $30 USD a year, repeated annually, more expensive if you do smaller than 1 year increments. Too many questions & possible issues that I don't have time to research, for me to take a chance on it.
If they only offer "VGA" and "QVGA", I'd say they haven't tested it on a 320x320 device, since it's neither. VGA is always 640x480, and QVGA is 320x240.

I agree... I have no intention of subscribing to a browser. I'd have been quite happy to pay for a production version of Iris.

Perhaps Dorothy will be the answer...?
If they only offer "VGA" and "QVGA", I'd say they haven't tested it on a 320x320 device, since it's neither. VGA is always 640x480, and QVGA is 320x240.

I agree... I have no intention of subscribing to a browser. I'd have been quite happy to pay for a production version of Iris.

Perhaps Dorothy will be the answer...?

I agree that 320x320 is neither. But most apps that will function on a 320x320 device usually include it in the QVGA version. A few call 320x320 on up VGA.

Dorothy looks interesting. Very fast & nice screen. The only niggle I have, so far, is that the controls are huge on a 320x320 screen. They need to scale to screen size &/or disappear when not needed.
I think the Dorothy docs do say that it's beta, and currently 800x480 only. You need a new phone! ;)

Didn't see any docs, so I missed that one. The web pages display OK, though. And, since you recognized my need for a new phone with more appropriate display, you're buying it for me, right? ;)
Well, as the creator of this thread I hate to answer it this way, but here it goes: there is no browser for the Redfly that is really good enough. I hope this thread serves as a resource to those who choose a Redfly, but I gave in. Turns out the best browser is the one on my netbook - it actually works - with no qualifying statements or disclaimers.

I hads loads of fun tinkering and tweaking my C8 to get it to limp through the functionality that I needed, but in the end Celio's own statements are true: the Redfly should remain aimed at the enterprise crowd. When I got tired of tinkering and wanted it to just work it would not. For me, I like my cheaper more functional netbook with a 6cell battery that offers the same usage. Put that together with pdanet or another tethering app that circumvents the tethering fee and I am happy. Glad I sold my Fly and paid for my netbook with the proceeds.

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