This thread has led me to download Cover. Wow it really works great. I have not been into comics since before high school so never tried much with them. I had some ender comics around on my PC from when I read most of the ender series. I looked at them last night and couldn't put my RT down. It is perfect for comics. Everyone complains about the Surfaces in portrait mode but I don't see how the experience could be any better. A 4/3 ipad would need to be letterboxed and the image would be smaller so I am sure the experience would suffer.
I was sharing all of my files with my PC so I didn't even have to down load anything............calfee
Yeah, COVER is great. But I'm curious as to why you believe that 16:9 ratio of the Surface is superior to the 4:3 of the iPad. I examined some scans of the Enders comics, the results are interesting:
Enders: 1.51 : 1
Surface: 1.77 : 1
iPad: 1.33 : 1
The Enders comic pages appears to have an AR that is nearly mid-way between 16:9 and 4:3. Maybe its preferable to have the top of the next page peeking in at the bottom vs. having a letterbox.
Comics (in the US anyways) in general are slightly closer to 4:3 than to 16:9, but vintage magazines and catalogs are nearly at 4:3. The AR and retina display of the iPad makes it my preferred device for those media. But in the end, I'm just thankful that I can read all my cbr/cbz files on the Surface.
If I can track down RT equivalents of the 1/2 dozen iOS apps that I rely on, I could seriously consider replacing my iPad4 with the RT.