Best Comic Reader For Windows 8

Comic Seer for Windows 8 (App) or Windows (Desktop) should work for you. They're my favorite.
Comic Seer for Windows 8 (App) or Windows (Desktop) should work for you. They're my favorite.

If you're the author then of course they are your favourite! :) Thanks, always nice to see more good apps and I will try out the trial to see if it fits my needs better than Cover.
To share my experience : I don't have the biggest collection out there (~3k), but Cover handles them fine.
I tried both on local drive + network (my wifi being very slow).
On the local drive it was fast to add (less than a minute i'd say), and quite fast to refresh (the thing that spins in the background, when you start the app : same time approximately). The navigation inside the app is fluid after that and there is no loading between folders.
On the network, it was a bit slow to add or refresh (several minutes), but then browsing and opening was fluid.

It seems it's just the adding/refreshing time that may be long with a lot of comics, after that the app responds fast.
Hey, I just bought a Surface Pro 3 and I am trying to find a great comic reader. (Previously I had a Kindle Fire and ComiCat worked great! But it isn't on Windows). I have tried ComicRack but when I try to turn the page 40 times out of 43 times the swipe to turn the page feature doesn't work and it drives me crazy!

It looks like the best options are Cover and ComiX. I really like how ComiX organizes the library very neat and clean putting whole series in their own folders with thumbnails and background art -- does Cover also do that? There is like NO information about these apps anywhere other than the tiny info you can get in the App store. The screen shots they have for Cover only show pages of the comics.

Any help would be appreciated.
Hey all,

I'm the developer of the Cover Windows app.

This forum is one of the referrers that gets us many downloads. So i hope you won't mind if i come here to inform you all that we are currently in beta for Cover for Windows Phone 8.1.
If anyone is interested, please subscribe at this URL :

Also, if you have any questions about Cover i'll be glad to answer them if i can.
kpc180: Cover will respect your folder hierarchy to present the comics and series. Of course, you'll get a thumbnail and background art for each folder and book.

Enjoy your comic books
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The Surface Pro 3 has 3:2 proportions, so 1.5! It's far better than the Ipad's 4:3 (1.33) for SINGLE PAGE reading of comics. In double page reading the ipad wins.
Hey guys !

The beta is now over. We've had a lot of feedback thanks to you and windowscentral, and you can now download the Windows Phone app.
Learn more here :

And of course, you can still download the Windows app here :

It's a universal app, so if you unlocked on one device, you'll get the unlock on the others.

Cheers !
Have been using cover, but there is one thing missing, adjustable zoom. I have a widescreen monitor and fit to width stretches picture too wide (it's not unreadable, just a bit fuzzy), is there any reader wich lets you adjust zoom?
Have been using cover, but there is one thing missing, adjustable zoom. I have a widescreen monitor and fit to width stretches picture too wide (it's not unreadable, just a bit fuzzy), is there any reader wich lets you adjust zoom?
IIRC Comic Seer does, but have you tried mailing French Fry Software yet to see if they'll add the feature to Cover too?
Hey guys !

The beta is now over. We've had a lot of feedback thanks to you and windowscentral, and you can now download the Windows Phone app.
Learn more here :

And of course, you can still download the Windows app here :

It's a universal app, so if you unlocked on one device, you'll get the unlock on the others.

Cheers !

Great app! But there is a major problem /I've encountered on WP; It doesn't surface the app on direct search. I had to search using 'French Fry' to find it!

Also, when reading books from a selected folder, could we get the app to automatically go on, or query the user as to whether to move on to the next book on the list?!

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Check out Pico Viewer. It is the best comic/manga viewer I have found so far.
There are only 18 ratings but if you change your Region to Japan, you can see it is actually a very popular Comic Viewer.
Region US.pngPico Viewer US.pngRegion JP.pngPico Viewer JP.png
Hey guys,

Once again we come to you for feedback ! This thread was a great help to help reaching out during the previous beta phase.

We're releasing the UWP version of the app soon. But we'd like you to try the app and give us some feedback. So we're starting a new beta phase that you're free to join! Of course you need a Windows 10 device: PC, tablet or phone.

We've been working hard on this version and we hope you'll like it. Let us know what you think.
Beta is available at this link:

Thanks all

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