Best computer for the elderly


New member
Nov 1, 2014
Ok, is this the best place to ask? I hope so.

Scenario: parents over 80. They can use a dumb cell phone

Aging parents and computers! Help!
Their Windows XP computer has to go!

They can use email, browse the web, use Skype (if it is set up for them) but are not adventurous. Change one setting and game over.

They require much more security that is automated (Malware).
Remote access so I can help them from a different city
Universal desktop - so when the visit they can log in and retrieve files
Integration, because there are no browsers, hard drives, RAM or is just a computer.
Visual Impairment features

Anyone have suggestions what makes a computer awesome for the elderly?


Mr. V
Hey Messor1

Thanks for the feedback!!! You are quite right about KISS. My parents are quite capable of learning, they just don't want to much change.

They do like keyboard and mice - but I am tempted to get them a tablet...but I don't want to invest a lot of money on an Ipad until I see how they like it.

They have been 'raised' on Windows - so I want to keep the same experience...however your thoughts are helping me plan...

I am an "older" person who has tablets, laptops, desktops, phones, etc., running Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Linux, etc., and have a masters degree in computer science.

Of all the potential choices available for the elderly, the best consumer user computer platform is an Apple device running either Mac OS or iOS because those devices are "no brainers", simple to use, very portable, updates are automatic and reliable, plenty of apps geared toward the elderly, high res screen for assisting the sight impaired, lightweight, can be "locked-down" and traced if stolen, etc., etc., etc.. An iPad, either the smaller or larger screen sized one is best which a keyboard can be added to that will stay with it if a keyboard accommodating case is used. The size is determined by weight holding ability and eyesight. A used iPad of recent generation with a 64 bit processor for continued update availability and Retina display will be cheaper than buying a new one but there's no warranty. The most important factor is what is best for THEIR needs and KISS is the way to go.

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