Bill Gates Says That iPad Users Are Frustrated With It

Obviously every iPad user is not the same with the same needs and wants. However, I give an example I know of for someone that loves their iPad. We were at a tech conference and they gave out a lot of info on USB drives (powerpoint slides, documents, etc). Who do you think had the more frustrating experience getting that information onto their tablet? I also had some ripped movies he wanted to watch, and I couldn't just slap it on a thumb drive for him either. He had to copy them to his laptop and then sync to the iPad or something, I don't remember what he did. Just that it was frustrating. :) The frustration is out there, people are just used to operating within certain restrictions, people complained about what they couldn't do years ago and then just settled. Windows Phone suffers from some of the same things but much like the iPad it makes up for it in different ways. Fact is fact though, Win8 tablets are far more capable of doing a variety of things and in a wider amount of scenarios, the iPad just has more market share right now which is easily lost in time.
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You don't have an iPad.
Because if you did then you would know about pages and the other amazing productivity apps.

So handling documents is the only productive thing people do? Will pages let me compile a C# application like visual studio? Or edit something in Photoshop. Or hook up a usb scanner or printer. That's why surface pro exists. Some people want a device they can do real work on not edit a word doc.
You don't have an iPad.
Because if you did then you would know about pages and the other amazing productivity apps.

It is obvious that you did not read my reply thoroughly and assumed that I do not own an iPad.

In truth, I do own an iPad and I am ABSOLUTELY frustratedly bored with it and it is currently sitting on the coffee table as a paper weight.

Yes I do know about these apps and have used these "amazing productive" apps and yet still frustrated with them.
I had an iPad 3 and it was a wonderful device, but the honeymoon was very short. When all is said and done, a Surface Pro gets more done. Any Windows tablet (x86) can replace a laptop but the same cannot be said of an iPad, Android, TouchPad or any ARM-based tablet. If web surfing, email or social networking is all you do, you can get that done on a PDA or iPod Touch and pocket some Benjamins. Everybody's needs are different which is why there are so many different devices. Gee, why didn't I think of that?
I had an iPad 3 and it was a wonderful device, but the honeymoon was very short. When all is said and done, a Surface Pro gets more done. Any Windows tablet (x86) can replace a laptop but the same cannot be said of an iPad, Android, TouchPad or any ARM-based tablet. If web surfing, email or social networking is all you do, you can get that done on a PDA or iPod Touch and pocket some Benjamins. Everybody's needs are different which is why there are so many different devices. Gee, why didn't I think of that?

If only there was just once device that did it all and morphed into the device you desire for the time being. If only right.
And still companies and homes continually use Office instead of Pages, it's a mystery!

You do realise that pages is Apple exclusive right? Secondly for me I just export the pages doc as a docx and me and my teachers have no issues transferring files.
It is obvious that you did not read my reply thoroughly and assumed that I do not own an iPad.

In truth, I do own an iPad and I am ABSOLUTELY frustratedly bored with it and it is currently sitting on the coffee table as a paper weight.

Yes I do know about these apps and have used these "amazing productive" apps and yet still frustrated with them.

We, clearly have different needs.
My phone is a Nexus 4, customised beast-because my phone is my main phone.
My tablet is my iPad 4, for web surfing google plussing, some light pages editing,news and Youtube(also iMessages)
And finally my laptop is a MacBook Pro which plays very nicely with my iPad.
So as you can see we have VERY different needs.
So handling documents is the only productive thing people do? Will pages let me compile a C# application like visual studio? Or edit something in Photoshop. Or hook up a usb scanner or printer. That's why surface pro exists. Some people want a device they can do real work on not edit a word doc.
Define "real work" what I do is just as real work as you.
Its funny why everyone is saying surface is iPad competitor.

If u ask my parents or any other older generations , they will pick iPad closing their eyes because Its far more easier to use.Its like comparing Console and PC , ..............and saying that "my pc can this while console can't......"

It involves no mess or complexity to operate.Surface is technically a computer.

MS can never convince public with surface as of now because only people interested in surface are young generations like us.
You do realise that pages is Apple exclusive right? Secondly for me I just export the pages doc as a docx and me and my teachers have no issues transferring files.

The issue, for me, is being able to exchange complex documents between team members and myself. Exchanging back and forth without converting/exporting the documents each time. This is especially important when there is only one evolving document in the cloud and several people are accessing it to work on it. I'm skeptical that Pages would do this.
You don't have an iPad.
Because if you did then you would know about pages and the other amazing productivity apps.

Word processing isn't the only thing some people do.

What an idiotic statement I am in no way frustrated with my iPad.

Just because you aren't frustrated doesn't mean there aren't people who are.

Its funny why everyone is saying surface is iPad competitor.

If u ask my parents or any other older generations , they will pick iPad closing their eyes because Its far more easier to use.Its like comparing Console and PC , ..............and saying that "my pc can this while console can't......"

It involves no mess or complexity to operate.Surface is technically a computer.

MS can never convince public with surface as of now because only people interested in surface are young generations like us.

Couldn't the iPad and our smartphones technically be classified as computers too?

Computer - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Its funny why everyone is saying surface is iPad competitor.

If u ask my parents or any other older generations , they will pick iPad closing their eyes because Its far more easier to use.Its like comparing Console and PC , ..............and saying that "my pc can this while console can't......"

It involves no mess or complexity to operate.Surface is technically a computer.

MS can never convince public with surface as of now because only people interested in surface are young generations like us.

People pick ipads because its what they know, what they are told to want, what the cool kids use and what the apple-biased tech press recommends. Its no more easier to use than any other OS you learn to use for the first time, but Microsoft's OS somehow is so hard chickens will lay a golden egg before they will use it.
I think the first issue in this whole topic is the fact that the surface pro is indeed a competitor to the iPad. The surface rt is also a competitor. Just because they are based on different architecture doesn't mean they are on different levels.
Being a programmer I personally would have no use for an iPad as they are limited in that area. That means I wouldn't be able to get the work done I need, so I would opt for a surface pro even with the price difference.
Surface wins hands down as it's far more productive. iPad is just a stupid tablet, meant for doing simple tasks like internet browsing, playing games, listening to music on the go, etc. It's extremely restrictive and even typing on the touch keyboard is a pain in the a$$ for sure!
Surface wins hands down as it's far more productive. iPad is just a stupid tablet, meant for doing simple tasks like internet browsing, playing games, listening to music on the go, etc. It's extremely restrictive and even typing on the touch keyboard is a pain in the a$$ for sure!

I wouldn't go as far as calling it a stupid tablet. It does have some very good apps for the enterprise crowd, particularly the AutoCAD app from AutoDesk. That said, the Surface is more productive if you rely on peripherals because of its x86 architecture. Also, if selling millions of tablets worldwide and making a small mint in Wall Street is the result of a "stupid" tablet, I want to make a ******** tablet.

BTW, before I get hammered for using the word ********, please know that I am the father of a beautiful autistic girl, AKA Daddy's Princess.
Surface wins hands down as it's far more productive. iPad is just a stupid tablet, meant for doing simple tasks like internet browsing, playing games, listening to music on the go, etc. It's extremely restrictive and even typing on the touch keyboard is a pain in the a$$ for sure!

Sure, it may be more productive, but as a consumption device it's lacking. Most people that I come across watch more movies, play more games, and listen to music far more often they they have to type up a word document in office. For consumption, nothing beats the iPad right now. Apps are better, music integration is better, and games are better. If Microsoft can fix the consumption side they will have a winner.
Sure, it may be more productive, but as a consumption device it's lacking. Most people that I come across watch more movies, play more games, and listen to music far more often they they have to type up a word document in office. For consumption, nothing beats the iPad right now. Apps are better, music integration is better, and games are better. If Microsoft can fix the consumption side they will have a winner.

If we're talking consumption then it gets even worse for the iPad because there are many strong Android tablets that are as good or better in more scenarios for less money. Why do you think they were forced to make the iPad Mini?
Hi Mr Gates, do you mind if I call you Bill?

My name is Nick920, but you can call me Nick.

I cannot speak for the many, many millions of iPad users as I've never felt the need to buy an iPad but I can tell you that I own a Nokia Lumia 920 and at times I feel extremely frustrated with it.

Please stop dicking around with 'phoney wars' and concentrate on making the 920 'the world's most innovative smartphone' that was promised last year.


Hi Mr Gates, do you mind if I call you Bill?

My name is Nick920, but you can call me Nick.

I cannot speak for the many, many millions of iPad users as I've never felt the need to buy an iPad but I can tell you that I own a Nokia Lumia 920 and at times I feel extremely frustrated with it.

Please stop dicking around with 'phoney wars' and concentrate on making the 920 'the world's most innovative smartphone' that was promised last year.



I thought that was Nokia's claim.

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