Bill Gates Says That iPad Users Are Frustrated With It

If we're talking consumption then it gets even worse for the iPad because there are many strong Android tablets that are as good or better in more scenarios for less money. Why do you think they were forced to make the iPad Mini?

I can kind of see your point. That kindle fire with the HD screen for 200 buck is pretty hard to beat. But nobody has the media rights that apple does for it's store. Many people like the one store for all my purchases that apple has.
People pick ipads because its what they know, what they are told to want, what the cool kids use and what the apple-biased tech press recommends. Its no more easier to use than any other OS you learn to use for the first time, but Microsoft's OS somehow is so hard chickens will lay a golden egg before they will use it.

Lets look at reality here :
This is John Gruber post I am linking , even though he is apple ****** , his analysis is very good.Just read it in view of a normal consumer.

How can consumer be aware when MS is too lazy to reveal anything about product or too bad at advertising.

Recent Lumia ad showed nothing about WP instead preached that iOS and Android is used by all.

Just think about it as an average consumer who watches the Ad , Only people over Internet can get that humor in the Ad.

They don't sell surface in more than 10 countries.
No wonder why Surface is a flop.

I wanted surface but no way to get it because its not available anywhere.

As much as I like MS , I also hate them for poor execution.

Its nothing wrong with press recommending iPad because its available in ALMOST EVERY COUNTRY worldwide.
Back to which tool is best for the job.

iPad is like a microwave. If you want something quick and light, it's the way to go. Easiest way to make a cup of tea. You can use it to make Thanksgiving dinner, but you will be frustrated.

The Surface RT is a toaster oven.

Surface Pro is a range. It's the best tool to make that Thanksgiving dinner. But to warm up a cup of water for some tea? It's a bit overkill.
Back to which tool is best for the job.

iPad is like a microwave. If you want something quick and light, it's the way to go. Easiest way to make a cup of tea. You can use it to make Thanksgiving dinner, but you will be frustrated.

The Surface RT is a toaster oven.

Surface Pro is a range. It's the best tool to make that Thanksgiving dinner. But to warm up a cup of water for some tea? It's a bit overkill.

Very good analogy. Problem is, there's folks out there like my ex-wife who think they can cook with a microwave.
Well users who transition from a PC or Macbook might struggle a little with the tablet you gotta keep in mind that the tablets that existed back there were just touch screen laptops with fans and CD drives, and CEO's always say stuff about competing products even if they don't mean it to make their products sell or compete more. I think the iPad did a significant job innovating what windows 8 tablets are today compared to what they use to be.
Define "real work" what I do is just as real work as you.

every device I have ever used can edit a word document. This includes pcs tablets and phones. If all you have to do for work; is work with a few office formats than that's fine. However you must realize that most professional content creators use either PhotoShop, autocad, or visual studio daily. They also like to input output media via peripherals that simply don't work on arm tablets. Anyway don't take this the wrong way but you could do your entire job on a 3 year old android phone. That is not typical of most people.
every device I have ever used can edit a word document. This includes pcs tablets and phones. If all you have to do for work; is work with a few office formats than that's fine. However you must realize that most professional content creators use either PhotoShop, autocad, or visual studio daily. They also like to input output media via peripherals that simply don't work on arm tablets. Anyway don't take this the wrong way but you could do your entire job on a 3 year old android phone. That is not typical of most people.

Not to mention that when you view or edit docs on a phone or ARM-based tablet, now what? What printer do you send it to? Just changed some X references on a CAD drawing, how do you distribute it? Any x86 convertible will let you plug in an external CD burner. Shoot, most tablets aren't even capable of USB hosting if you needed to get something off a thumb drive.
Wifi printers solve issues.

If someone is seriously considering AutoCAD , Photoshop , he should opt for laptop like Macbook Pro/Windows equivalent laptop.

I don't see the actual point of surface.

I see surface more as a balance between netbook and high end laptop but as a tablet , iPad does its job well.
Wifi printers solve issues.

If someone is seriously considering AutoCAD , Photoshop , he should opt for laptop like Macbook Pro/Windows equivalent laptop.

I don't see the actual point of surface.

I see surface more as a balance between netbook and high end laptop but as a tablet , iPad does its job well.

The point is one device to do everything.

A person -could- buy an iPad to do some things and a notebook to do other, but that's more expensive than just buying ONE Surface.
If we're talking consumption then it gets even worse for the iPad because there are many strong Android tablets that are as good or better in more scenarios for less money. Why do you think they were forced to make the iPad Mini?

You realise that the US isn't the ******* world right? outside of the US Apple wins hands down in ted,ms of ecosystem.
Here in NZ Google gives us Play music and Play app. Apple gives us- TV shows, books, movies, apps, music and every other service they have. Apple has the best eco system end of story.
You realise that the US isn't the ******* world right? outside of the US Apple wins hands down in ted,ms of ecosystem.
Here in NZ Google gives us Play music and Play app. Apple gives us- TV shows, books, movies, apps, music and every other service they have. Apple has the best eco system end of story.

You forgot to add in your opinion. Your stating it like its a fact.

For me and in my opinion MS has the best ecosystem. TV shows, books, movies, apps, music, games, x86 programmes I have everything I could ever need.
You forgot to add in your opinion. Your stating it like its a fact.

For me and in my opinion MS has the best ecosystem. TV shows, books, movies, apps, music, games, x86 programmes I have everything I could ever need.

Can I ask how long you have had your collection of media? Is it mostly recent?

Many of us (myself included), have a lot of media tied up into Apple's Ecosystem. I have been gathering media for years and have it organized how I like it. To make it worth the effort to switch, the Microsoft Ecosystem would have to do things at least as well if not better than Apple. For me and many others, Apple just does things better right now and its frustrating because we want Microsoft to success. Heck, I cant even rate my songs and make a playlist off of it. Or sync my Internet explorer favorites to my mobile devices. Nobody would like to switch more than me because i see the walled garden that I'm in and like it less and less everyday. However, the integration is just not there yet. Hopefully Windows Blue will fix all this and I'll come running back to Microsoft.
Can I ask how long you have had your collection of media? Is it mostly recent?

Many of us (myself included), have a lot of media tied up into Apple's Ecosystem. I have been gathering media for years and have it organized how I like it. To make it worth the effort to switch, the Microsoft Ecosystem would have to do things at least as well if not better than Apple. For me and many others, Apple just does things better right now and its frustrating because we want Microsoft to success. Heck, I cant even rate my songs and make a playlist off of it. Or sync my Internet explorer favorites to my mobile devices. Nobody would like to switch more than me because i see the walled garden that I'm in and like it less and less everyday. However, the integration is just not there yet. Hopefully Windows Blue will fix all this and I'll come running back to Microsoft.

I had an iphone 2 and got fed up with iTunes so switched to WM6.5 4 years ago I think and had an ipad 2 that I sold after the Surface RT came out the sale of which paid for a sizeable chunk of the RT so yes all my media is fairly recent.

I can see where your coming from and losing all the media you have purchased over the years would be hard to let go. If you add up the investment you've put into apple then you have to justify switching and starting again. Ive had people ask me about switching to windows that like yourself are firmly entrenched in apple and I can never recommend to them to make the switch its just not economically viable. When I switched I probably had to swallow about ?150 loss in apps and media. For some people that figure can easily hit ?1000 over the course of five to six years use and its just not worth the loss. Its not a case of whether apple do things better or whether blue fixes all ills. You've got to ask yourself what works for you and if the investment you have made is worthwhile. If its apple then stay with apple, android stay with android. For me MS ecosystem works great and the investment Ive made outweighs the investment I lost.

The thing is the majority of media we own is only rented and isn't actually ours no matter what ecosystem you think is best for you.
Oh geez, here we go again - Apple vs. Microsoft vs. Google. The topic has to do with Bill Gates' comments. Boys and girls, please form one line and follow the yellow brick road.
Oh geez, here we go again - Apple vs. Microsoft vs. Google. The topic has to do with Bill Gates' comments. Boys and girls, please form one line and follow the yellow brick road.

To be fair his comments about the ipad automatically propagate the vs culture.
To be fair his comments about the ipad automatically propagate the vs culture.

Unless these forums are relegated to specific Windows Phone devices, any comparison can trigger a WP vs. the world tangent. Gates' comments were spot on. I had an iPad3 and while it was a wonderful device, it had limitations. Those limitations keep it from being a go-to device for all my needs, and I'm sure for many others. But it doesn't take away from the fact that what the iPad does well, few if any devices can match.
Unless these forums are relegated to specific Windows Phone devices, any comparison can trigger a WP vs. the world tangent. Gates' comments were spot on. I had an iPad3 and while it was a wonderful device, it had limitations. Those limitations keep it from being a go-to device for all my needs, and I'm sure for many others. But it doesn't take away from the fact that what the iPad does well, few if any devices can match.

Couldn't agree with you more - But as proved in the recent string of comments certain people do like to defend what they believe to be best. I was trying to steer the thread away from that.
Can I ask how long you have had your collection of media? Is it mostly recent?

Many of us (myself included), have a lot of media tied up into Apple's Ecosystem. I have been gathering media for years and have it organized how I like it. To make it worth the effort to switch, the Microsoft Ecosystem would have to do things at least as well if not better than Apple. For me and many others, Apple just does things better right now and its frustrating because we want Microsoft to success. Heck, I cant even rate my songs and make a playlist off of it. Or sync my Internet explorer favorites to my mobile devices. Nobody would like to switch more than me because i see the walled garden that I'm in and like it less and less everyday. However, the integration is just not there yet. Hopefully Windows Blue will fix all this and I'll come running back to Microsoft.
My one is old, 4-5 years, besides Apple syncs everything better between my MacBook Pro and iPad 4. I don't consider it a "walled garden"
You realise that the US isn't the ******* world right? outside of the US Apple wins hands down in ted,ms of ecosystem.
Here in NZ Google gives us Play music and Play app. Apple gives us- TV shows, books, movies, apps, music and every other service they have. Apple has the best eco system end of story.

Every item in that amazing ecosystem is 100% irrelevant for those that don't care about it. Apple has instagram! I don't care, so it's 100% irrelevant. I think that you think your opinions are more authoritative than they are. See, not everyone is tied to their app store so forcefully.

Consumption tablets are for their owners to consume what they want, not what they are told to consume or forced to consume just because it's available. I consume netflix, hulu, and amazon prime videos. Guess what, just about every single tablet out there has that available. I don't buy into any ecosystems in terms of individual music/video because I prefer to provide the media content myself and not be obligated to stay locked in. YOUR ecosystem sounds terrible to me. You know what would frustrate me? Owning tons of apple content and then not being able to use it on non-Apple hardware. See, Apple frustration just like Bill said! :P

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