Bing Navigation!


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Will we get it in Mango? Has it been said by M$ to be coming to windows phone? I use Google Navigation a lot on my atrix and would love to be able to leave it at home and use my focus, solo -- for the day.
A little birdy told me that Nokia (Navtech group in Germany) has been working diligently with Microsoft...

I hope so. IMHO, really, everything about Bing runs circles around Google. From the web interface, to the iPhone app (Google's app sucks donkey balls here) to the mobile interface and search. Bing really got it going on here.
I don't think we will see this on any non-Nokia phone. I have no reasoning behind that...just that Nokia will probably have their features unique to their branded phones. Also, I have noticed on the Focus that it does not update my position in real time. It takes a couple seconds and then moves my position like an inchworm. On my old iPhone I could watch my position move smoothly across the map (while not driving of course).
I really don't appreciate it when people refer to MS as M$ when Apple products are much more expensive.
OMG, let's not get into that. Apple products are not more expensive than anyone else's. Sure you can get a Windows laptop for 300 but it's a POS Inspiron. Trust me, I've had one or two of those.
OMG, let's not get into that. Apple products are not more expensive than anyone else's. Sure you can get a Windows laptop for 300 but it's a POS Inspiron. Trust me, I've had one or two of those.
oh yea right on average an Apple computer costs $100 to $200 more than a windows based PC
Ahem... As far as Bing vs. Google...

Just kidding, but seriously, I'm a Bing fan. I have found that it seems to better in many ways.

However, I have not personally used either Google or Bing turn-by-turn navigation so I'm not one to comment on that aspect of it.

I see it from a different (and almost irrelevent to this thread) aspect: I use an archaic travel tool called a map, made out of paper (or from my mobile device). My wife has a TomTom, and every once-in-a-while, I use it too, but I don't learn anything. I couldn't find my way back. I find that if I use a map I can get a better perspective of my surroundings.

My point is that I don't miss the "amazing Google turn-by-turn" only because I have not experienced it yet.

Just my back-woods (the Fargo area houses about 200k people) opinon.
A little birdy told me that Nokia (Navtech group in Germany) has been working diligently with Microsoft...


i hope that birdie is right...

I really don't appreciate it when people refer to MS as M$ when Apple products are much more expensive.

probably as much as i don't appreciate folks reading more into something that isn't there. i like the $ sign, so i put it.

but since we're going there, M$ doesn't make computers... they make software for the computers. quick glance at &, looks like M$$$$$ leads in that category of priciest.
I think the high ground in the Microsoft or Apple argument is both are companies, both want (and need) profit.
If you're going to compare prices you will have to compare apples to apples (no pun intended).

MacOS X 10.6 is $29

Windows 7 clocks in at $199.

Both companies (like any for profit company) has an end goal of making money. They're not here to serve us from the kindness of their hearts. :)
If you're going to compare prices you will have to compare apples to apples (no pun intended).

MacOS X 10.6 is $29

Windows 7 clocks in at $199.

Both companies (like any for profit company) has an end goal of making money. They're not here to serve us from the kindness of their hearts. :)

True, but I will also point out that Apple is a hardware company first and foremost. They make compelling software, but make it only run on their hardware and want to sell you a new iPhone or iPad every year. MS makes their profits primarily on software and support.
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I hope so. IMHO, really, everything about Bing runs circles around Google. From the web interface, to the iPhone app (Google's app sucks donkey balls here) to the mobile interface and search. Bing really got it going on here.

i thought this too, but actually google dominates when it comes to quicker routes. bing gives crazy *** directions, at least from where i am.

speed wise it's so much faster though.
I thought snow leopard like all new Mac OSX iterations were just service packs. Windows 7 is an entirely different OS than XP.
i hope that birdie is right...

probably as much as i don't appreciate folks reading more into something that isn't there. i like the $ sign, so i put it.

but since we're going there, M$ doesn't make computers... they make software for the computers. quick glance at &, looks like M$$$$$ leads in that category of priciest.
using that claim u might as well just replace all ur S with a $ sign since u like it so much. using the $ in MS is a stab against them and should not be used on a pro MS site gilipollas.

If you're going to compare prices you will have to compare apples to apples (no pun intended).

MacOS X 10.6 is $29

Windows 7 clocks in at $199.

Both companies (like any for profit company) has an end goal of making money. They're not here to serve us from the kindness of their hearts. :)
i paid only $19 for my win7 upgrade as a discount they were giving to college students.
Well thread got off topis let me see if I can get it back. When I used Bing on my WinMo 6.5 device it was very good I hope when MS finally makes Bing navigation available I hope its as good as it should be. I have used Gnav allot on my Android devices and I will tell you it is good MS has some work to do.
There is Navigon Select for the German T-Mobile phones. But I don't think this will come available for the rest.

As for Tom-Tom, I don't know. No real news found.

Also, like me, not all smartphone owners have a subscription with data connection. Here it is still to expensive. So Bing Maps, or Google Maps are useless because the phone needs to download the map on the go. For a good navigation we will need an app that has the maps pre-installed. It will work also quicker.

It is strange that their is still no news from Tom-Tom...

For me, I'm changing company next week. At my new employer I get a nice new shiny car with navigation. Just waiting for it to arrive. At this point, I like my new employer, hopefully it stays this way. So don't need Tom-Tom yet, but when it comes, I will get it also.
So Bing Maps, or Google Maps are useless because the phone needs to download the map on the go. For a good navigation we will need an app that has the maps pre-installed. It will work also quicker.

This is a good point. Why aren't Bing maps pre-loaded into the phone? Does it take up too much space? It's not like they update them that much, if there were updates they would just release them when needed. It's annoying that you have to wait for the data to pull down when you are trying to look at the area you are in.
Why does it need to be preloaded? I used to sell navigations at Bestbuy and Google Navigation would load the route faster. For Navigation, it's perfect and the rerouting is faster than all the Navigation units I've used. So yeah, MS does need to do it right.

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