Bing video result missing from search


New member
Jun 9, 2012
Hi, in the last few days I have noticed that I no longer get any video results returned from bing search.

Whatever I search for, the "media" pane shows image result but no video any more.

Is everyone else experiencing this? Rebooting device hasn't fixed it.

Nokia Lumia 925 in the UK
I have a Lumia 920, and I am in Seattle area in Washington State.

On Bing, the tabs say for me:
web / images / VIDEOS /

Local is gone but incorporated into Web.


You only have three sections now; Web, Images, and Video. Just swipe to the right after your search query until you get to videos.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
I'm not that daft guys!
Those changes haven't rolled out to the UK yet. There are still"media" "web" and "local" panes here. There is no video pane, and the media pane (which used to show images and videos, now just shows images. Video results are nowhere to be seen.
I'm not that daft guys!
Those changes haven't rolled out to the UK yet. There are still"media" "web" and "local" panes here. There is no video pane, and the media pane (which used to show images and videos, now just shows images. Video results are nowhere to be seen.
Hi there,

Im the UK also and im seeing the same thing.

Searching gives me, web, local and media. Under media i only see images.

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