Blackberry to TP2 Transition. Help!!!


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Hey all, I'm quite the newbie when it comes to WinMo and was hoping I could have a bit of help with the transition from my BB Storm to the TP2. For instance, I had a bunch of apps on my Storm; ScoreMobile, Slacker, Poynt, and Assistant all of which I loved. Any similar options on WinMo? Also is there any way to get the Opera Mini 5 beta on the TP2. I had just gotten it on the Storm and it was AMAZING! Was hoping I could get it on the TP2 because Opera 4 is kinda too slow for me. Also just wanted to know; VZW did not unlock GPS, right? Any other tips tricks and app reccomendations would be appreciated! Thanks so much and happy to be joining you all here (even though I'm sure the crackberry guys will miss me haha!:)


New member
Sep 24, 2009
There are tons of apps. I donno what the ones you're talking about do so I can't help you there. I will say, coming from a BB to a winmo phone sucks in the regard that there isn't a SINGLE good forum for winmo phones. This one is just dead. You're lucky if you get three responses in a week to your posting.

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
Hey all, I'm quite the newbie when it comes to WinMo and was hoping I could have a bit of help with the transition from my BB Storm to the TP2. For instance, I had a bunch of apps on my Storm; ScoreMobile, Slacker, Poynt, and Assistant all of which I loved. Any similar options on WinMo? Also is there any way to get the Opera Mini 5 beta on the TP2. I had just gotten it on the Storm and it was AMAZING! Was hoping I could get it on the TP2 because Opera 4 is kinda too slow for me. Also just wanted to know; VZW did not unlock GPS, right? Any other tips tricks and app reccomendations would be appreciated! Thanks so much and happy to be joining you all here (even though I'm sure the crackberry guys will miss me haha!:)

There are tuns of apps available for WM that will do most of what your looking for start with a trip to the WMExperts software store and look through all the great titles that are available most have a trial version. Here<link is the WMExperts review of Opera Minni 5 beta with links to the downloads necessary to get you up and running. Try Skyfire I highly recommend that brouser for your Multimedia needs. If you cant find it just let me know. :)

There are tons of apps. I donno what the ones you're talking about do so I can't help you there. I will say, coming from a BB to a winmo phone sucks in the regard that there isn't a SINGLE good forum for winmo phones. This one is just dead. You're lucky if you get three responses in a week to your posting.

With the help of people like you and all the new members we get each day we can chang that there are many help full people in these forums so keep posting I want to hear what you have to say. :)


New member
May 16, 2008
Trev -
Recommend you check out the following:
For Slacker: hacked Pandora from ppcgeeks or Kinoma and Shoutcast stations (plus Kinoma does so much more)
For ScoreMobile: Handmark Express
For Poynt: GoogleMaps or BingMobile
For Assistant: not sure what this is... if backup try Microsoft MyPhone

Kinoma is the only app that cost money above... it's expensive but worth it.


New member
May 16, 2008
I thought I read that the GPS is unlocked on Verizon TP2? I would be furious with Sprint if I couldn't use GoogleMaps or Bing because the carrier didn't want me to.

It's one of two things that keep the iPhone 3GS from being much better than it is today (that and multi-tasking apps).


New member
Sep 17, 2009
I have Google Maps 3.2.1 and it works fine. It takes a few seconds, but I'm able to connect to satellites pretty easy and it pin points my exact location. What I did have to do was go to quick gps and enable it first before I was able to receive those connections. Also, you have to realize that this is a new phone that hasn't reached Verizon stores yet, so there's still a mass amount of future users to come. And once the users come, they'll start searching for sites like this one and then you'll see the increase of threads and replies. For instance, I knew nothing about this site until I got the TP2, now I'm trying to become a norm here.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
So Trev, I have a Storm and hate the touch screen keyboard. How is the TP2 working out for you so fas as compared to the Storm. I've been looking at the TP2 and thinking it would be better for me since I require a real keyboard.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Finally got google maps and it works like a charm! @Zookeeper: The TP2 keyboard is amazing! I went from the EnV to the Voyager to the Storm and finally to the spectacular TP2. Of all the phones I've ever owned it is by far the best. The keyboard is awesome and is very spacious and is identical to your standard keyboard on a laptop, arrows and all. The touch screen keyboard is cramped but it is amazingly quick and good at knowing what you mean to type. All in all I have to admit the TP2 is a better phone than the BB Storm but the honest to goodness truth is that it takes quite a bit of getting used to especially after getting so used to things like App World, everyday battery pulls and stupendous push email. But in all fairness I'd give up my Storm for this anyday. Now as for the Storm 2... Well we shall see if that's gonna be worth a WFG or not but I think I'll be lovin the TP 2 with WinMo 6.5 and maybe and upgraded version of Touch Flo.
One other question I had to ask was;I successfully got the Opera Mini 5 beta on (finally!) and was wondering if anyone knew how to replace the default Opera on the phone with it. More specifically the browser icon in Touch Flo's menu would be nice. Thanks everyone for your responses and help!


New member
Oct 11, 2009
I too am thinking of the tp2 or imagio. Im on the bb storm right now and have been waiting for the Storm2, but am now thinking this phone (tp2). Just looks kick butt. I was wondering about email!!! I have had winmo before and palm os. Has anything changed? Or do you have to still set it to check email at certain times if my company is not on exchange or whatever its called. Hows the touch screen compared to the Storm? THanks!


New member
Sep 28, 2009
You can set it up 2 ways (at least with VZW) to get your mail...

First is the standard Web and Browser for smartphones - $29.99 per month - which cycles through your email boxes on a timer (every 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 minutes - as you set it to do it)... Or you can use it with Outlook and an exchange server to push your email like a Blackberry - keep in mind your computer must stay on with Outlook open for this to work...

Second is "Verizon Wireless Sync" ($44.99 a month) which is as close to a full 'push' email as possible. You can set this on delay, like the normal email service or have it 'push' the email on receipt like your Storm.

Hope that helped!


New member
Oct 12, 2009
I have Google Maps 3.2.1 and it works fine. It takes a few seconds, but I'm able to connect to satellites pretty easy and it pin points my exact location. What I did have to do was go to quick gps and enable it first before I was able to receive those connections. Also, you have to realize that this is a new phone that hasn't reached Verizon stores yet, so there's still a mass amount of future users to come. And once the users come, they'll start searching for sites like this one and then you'll see the increase of threads and replies. For instance, I knew nothing about this site until I got the TP2, now I'm trying to become a norm here.

same thing with my phone (sprint version). it gave me an error till I downloaded satellite info through quick gps, then it worked great. you can enable quick gps to auto download info when current data expires (I think it's once a week). after that, sprint nav was right on track. (haven't downloaded google maps yet because I'm still waiting on my memory card in the mail).

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
Yup I had some GPS weirdness as well but after setting Quick GPS to auto update I haven't had any more issues.

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